Livestock funding available through the Animal Health and Welfare Pathway funding available through the Animal Health and Welfare PathwayMon, 01 Jul 2024 13:35:02 GMT vaccine shortage expected until August vaccine shortage expected until AugustFri, 28 Jun 2024 13:12:08 GMT FAQs FAQsThu, 20 Jun 2024 08:08:00 GMT medicines responsibly medicines responsiblyWed, 29 May 2024 09:58:47 GMT and handling training updated to reflect outdoor pig production and handling training updated to reflect outdoor pig productionTue, 28 May 2024 13:05:40 GMT disease control framework for England<h6>Through our series of webinars, we continue to provide timely and accurate updates on the current bluetongue situation, including technical information from expert speakers. During this meeting, we will discuss a disease control framework for England.&nbsp;There will also be an opportunity for Q&amp;As with the speakers.</h6> <p>Karen Bond, our chairperson for this webinar, is British Cattle Veterinary Association (BCVA) member and Veterinary Technical Advisor at National Milk Records PLC.</p> <p>This event forms part of a series of webinars that we are running to provide regular updates and presentations from industry experts.</p> <p>If you are unable to attend the webinar, please still register for it and you will be sent a recording following the event.</p> <p>Please note this webinar's start time is scheduled for GMT. Your device might inadvertently change it to another time zone, please double check your joining link to make sure this hasn't happened.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" title="Bluetongue virus technical webinars">Catch up with previous bluetongue webinar recordings</a></p> <h2>Further information</h2> <p><a href="" target="_blank" title="Bluetongue virus">Find out more about bluetongue virus on our website</a>.</p> <p>Visit&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" title="Ruminant Health &amp; Welfare"></a> for advice and support.</p> <p>If you have concerns or questions, contact the bluetongue virus helpline on: 0247 771 0386</p> <p></p>Tue, 28 May 2024 09:45:42 GMT at the Groundswell event 2024<h2>About</h2> <p>Anyone interested in the theory and practical applications associated with regenerative farming systems should not miss the Groundswell event.</p> <p>Stop by the AHDB stand to join one our seminars, chat to the team, pick up free resources and discover how we put people, reputation and evidence at the heart of our activities.</p> <p>Try to visit us early, as resources are available on a first-come, first-served basis.</p> <h2>Seminars</h2> <p>Seminars take place across the Groundswell site, including on the AHDB stand.</p> <p>Chaired by AHDB staff, featuring farmer experiences and the latest evidence, our seminars are rooted in the spirit of Groundswell, with soil health at their heart.</p> <p>Seminar times and locations will be clearly displayed at key locations on the Groundswell site.</p> <p>Click on the links for speaker bios or access the latest profiles on the <a href="">Groundswell website</a>.</p> <p><strong></strong></p> <h3>Clarity, community and ownership &ndash; empowering farms to successfully outwinter livestock</h3> <p><strong>Chair:</strong> <a href="">Katie Evans</a></p> <p><strong>Speakers:</strong> <a href="">Emily Grant</a>, <a href="">Angus Nelless</a> and <a href="">Francesca Cooper</a></p> <p><strong></strong></p> <p><strong>Leying under cover &ndash; does it stack up?</strong></p> <p><strong>Chair:</strong> <a href="">Izzy Eames</a></p> <p><strong>Speakers:</strong> <a href="">Will Heygate</a>, <a href="">Ian Gould</a> and <a href="">Toby Simpson</a></p> <p><strong></strong></p> <h3>Innovation in achieving a &lsquo;profitable&rsquo; net zero &ndash; an answer is in the air</h3> <p><strong>Chair:</strong> <a href="">Steve West</a>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Speakers:</strong> <a href="">Professor John Gilliland OBE</a>, Rob Richmond and Paul Morgan</p> <p><strong></strong></p> <h3>Sensing change: taxonomy or technology?</h3> <p><strong>Chair:</strong> <a href="">Dr Laura James</a></p> <p><strong>Speakers:</strong> <a href="">Patrick Barker</a>, <a href="">Sophie Alexander</a> and Niahm McHugh</p> <p><strong></strong></p> <h3>One Health: from soil to stomach</h3> <p><strong>Chair:</strong> <a href="">Ana Reynolds</a></p> <p><strong>Speakers:</strong> Dan Kittredge, <a href="">Joel Williams</a>,&nbsp; <a href="">Dr Hannah Fraser</a> and <a href="">Dr Tom Pearson</a></p>Mon, 20 May 2024 12:51:53 GMT for UK agri-food environmental data released for UK agri-food environmental data releasedWed, 15 May 2024 11:04:42 GMT case study: FarrOPEN case study: FarrOPENTue, 14 May 2024 13:08:22 GMT farrowing case studies farrowing case studies Tue, 14 May 2024 13:08:22 GMT, parasites and pasture<h6>The impacts of Schmallenberg virus and a lengthy wet winter/spring on ewes, lambs and pasture has been keenly felt. Join us as we support Marches Farm Vets at their upcoming farm open day.</h6> <h2>Join us to review:</h2> <ul> <li>Weaning decisions based on ewe body condition score, lamb growth rates and pasture availability</li> <li>Setting up a grazing rotation for lambs for high performance</li> <li>Known and emerging parasitic diseases and the sustainable control of parasites</li> </ul> <p>We will also discuss how best to support performance, mitigate impacts from disease and weather events, and enhance resilience in your production system.</p> <h2>Speakers</h2> <ul> <li>Emily Postlethwaite, Marches Farm Vets</li> <li>Matt Blyth, Blyth Livestock Advisory Services</li> <li>Sarah Morgan, Precision Grazing</li> </ul> <p>The event will be followed by BBQ (weather permitting) PLUS a free faecal egg count &ndash; bring along a fresh poo sample and find out about worm burdens and treatment options for your lambs&nbsp;&ndash; at Marches Farm Vets, Unit 3 Church Farm Studios, Stanton Lacy, Ludlow SY8 2AE.</p> <p>Due to limited availability, sign up early to reserve&nbsp;your&nbsp;space.</p> <p></p> <p>&nbsp;<img width="790" height="158" alt="Company logos of Marches Farm Vets, Precision Grazing and Elanco" src=" Farm Vets event 1.jpg" copyright="" /></p> <p><img width="795" height="159" alt="Blyth Livestock logo" src=" Farm Vets event 2.jpg" copyright="" /></p>Mon, 13 May 2024 15:14:02 GMT Youngstock Conference<h6>This conference aims to promote best practice and facilitate the exchange of ideas relevant to all stages of youngstock rearing. It will feature a series of practical seminars&nbsp;addressing&nbsp;the latest developments in cattle breeding, nutrition and health.</h6> <p>Now in its third year and in a new location, the National Youngstock Conference provides a forum for producers, vets, researchers and other dairy and beef professionals to meet and discuss key topics.</p> <p>It has been designed to cater for all levels of experience and knowledge.</p> <p><span>Hannah Jones AHDB Senior Beef &amp; Lamb Analyst will present an update on the GB Calf Strategy and Marian Coombe NFU TB Advisor will talk about the TB policy changes for testing.</span></p> <p>Ticket numbers are limited and sold on a first-come-first-served basis. Use the following discount code to secure &pound;5 off your ticket: AHDBYoungstock24</p>Fri, 10 May 2024 08:16:31 GMT ASF out<h6>During this webinar, Mandy Nevel, AHDB Head of Animal Health &amp; Welfare, and Katie Jarvis,&nbsp;Senior Policy Advisor at the&nbsp;National Pig Association (NPA), will share practical things that you can do to prepare for a possible outbreak of African swine fever (ASF).</h6> <p>We will take you through what you can do to prepare your business,&nbsp;<span>who is responsible for what,</span>&nbsp;and how the industry would need to work together if there was an outbreak.&nbsp;</p> <h2>This meeting will cover:</h2> <ul> <li>Spotting the clinical signs of ASF</li> <li>Effective biosecurity precautions</li> <li>Establishing an emergency plan for your business</li> <li>The possible impact of being placed in a temporary control zone</li> </ul> <p>There will also be time for Q&amp;As.</p> <h2>Useful information</h2> <p><a href="" target="_blank" title="African swine fever">Find out more about <span>African swine fever</span></a></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Learn about and sign up to the significant diseases charter</a></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Sign up to receive the latest information from AHDB</a></p>Tue, 07 May 2024 10:02:48 GMT livestock and grassland management<h6>Our monitor farmer, David Cross, will host the North Norfolk Coastal Group event aimed at people who have or are looking to introduce livestock onto their land.</h6> <p>It will also be of enormous interest to those looking to use herbal leys to regenerate the health of the soil on their land.</p> <p>While&nbsp;David has gone fully into livestock and pasture management, there will be information and knowledge sharing about improving soil health and managing livestock in an arable rotation that will be relevant to people no matter the scale of their operation.</p>Wed, 01 May 2024 07:30:52 GMT planning in the face of African swine fever planning in the face of African swine feverFri, 19 Apr 2024 12:40:01 GMT 2024 dairy market review 2024 dairy market reviewThu, 18 Apr 2024 12:30:18 GMT at the Cereals Event 2024<p>Meet the AHDB team on&nbsp;<a href="">stand (526)</a> at Cereals 2024 to discuss how we use your levy to deliver:</p> <ul> <li>Trusted variety and product testing</li> <li>Independent, practical research and market intelligence</li> <li>Work across the supply chain</li> <li>Farmer-to-farmer learning (through a network of Strategic Farms, Monitor Farms and Arable Business Groups)</li> </ul> <p>Stop at our stand to chat to staff, take part in some&nbsp;debates and pick up free resources. Try to visit us early, resources are available on a first-come, first-served basis.</p> <p>Our stand will include a focus on four technical topics.</p> <h2>Topic 1: Recommended Lists (RL)</h2> <p>First released 80 years ago (8 August 1944), the Recommended Lists (RL) is long-lived, trusted and one of AHDB&rsquo;s most consistently recognised and valued products. At Cereals 2024, join us to celebrate the RL's rich history and find out how it will continue to evolve to meet the needs of farmers.</p> <p><strong>Visit the AHDB stand to:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Pick up the latest RL booklet</li> <li>Find out about the RL app and other digital resources</li> <li>Learn about the latest results from the RL review</li> <li>Take part in the sustainable varieties debate and the 80 years celebrations (on day one)*</li> </ul> <p><strong><a href=""></a></strong></p> <h2>Topic 2:&nbsp;The Nutrient Management Guide (RB209)</h2> <p>RB209 can help you make the most of organic materials and balance the benefits of fertiliser use against the costs &ndash; both economic and environmental. At Cereals 2024, we want to hear what you think RB209 does well and what could be improved (as part of a strategic review of nutrient management guidance).</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;Visit the AHDB stand to:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Get the latest RB209 guidance</li> <li>Talk to the team about nutrient management</li> <li>Discuss the RB209 review</li> </ul> <p><strong><a href=""></a></strong></p> <h2>Topic 3: Planning soil management</h2> <p>The soil health scorecard provides a way to monitor soil health based on key chemical, biological and physical indicators. At Cereals 2024, a new &lsquo;Planning soil management&rsquo; pack will be available to pick up, which will help you get started with the scorecard approach on your farm.</p> <p><strong>Visit the AHDB stand to:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Grab a planning soil management pack</li> <li>Learn about the soil health scorecard</li> <li>Find out about our GREATsoils information and tools</li> </ul> <p><strong><a href=""></a></strong></p> <h2>Topic 4: Environmental data and value</h2> <p>Many farmers are exploring markets and payments for carbon sequestration, biodiversity net gain (BNG) and regenerative actions. At Cereals 2024, talk with the team to discover how we will help you measure and get the maximum value out of your farm&rsquo;s environmental data.</p> <p><strong>Visit the AHDB stand to:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Hear about the new baseline pilot</li> <li>Learn how to get involved with the baseline pilot farms</li> <li>Find out about our environment resources, including the cover crops guide</li> </ul> <p><strong><a href=""></a></strong></p> <h2><strong>Knowledge exchange</strong></h2> <p>Our network of regional knowledge exchange Managers helps to connect you with AHDB activity. At Cereals 2024, numerous team members will be on hand to talk about your farming opportunities and challenges.</p> <p><strong>Visit the AHDB stand to:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Get information on our Strategic Cereal Farms, Monitor Farms and Arable Business Groups</li> <li>Make sure you are signed up to receive the best products, tools and services</li> <li>Learn more about what AHDB does for your farming business</li> </ul> <p><strong><a href=""></a></strong></p> <h2><strong>Seminar schedule</strong></h2> <p><span>Our session programme will prime debate on a wide range of topics central to the future of farming.</span></p> <h3>11 June</h3> <p><span>12:00pm: Environment Baselining Pilot &ndash; Forging a fairer and more resilient path towards net zero by 2050. </span></p> <p><span>2:00pm: Where next for production, prices and profits? &ndash; Ask the AHDB Cereals &amp; Oilseeds market analysts. </span></p> <p><span>3:00pm: Varieties for a sustainable UK cereals sector &ndash; What can crop breeding deliver? </span></p> <p><span>4:00pm: 80 years of the RL &ndash; A celebration with Graham Wilkinson, AHDB CEO.&nbsp;</span></p> <h3>12 June</h3> <p>9:00am: Women in cereals &ndash; The value of mentoring (a networking breakfast).</p> <p>11:00am: Growing cover crops &ndash; How to get the best return from your investment (farmer experiences).</p> <p>2:00pm: Are the days of field walking coming to an end? &ndash; Are remote sensing, digital farming and AI the future?</p> <p><a href="">Download further details of the seminar schedule</a></p> <h2>News</h2> <p><a href="">Sustainable varieties take centre stage at Cereals 2024</a></p>Tue, 16 Apr 2024 14:25:16 GMT SFI and liver fluke management in the uplands<h6>Learn about the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) stacking options in an upland environment and how you can build a resilient farming business with the <a href="" target="_blank" title="Upland Farmer Toolkit">Upland Farmer Toolkit</a>.</h6> <h6>We will also share the latest information on anthelmintics and the control and management of liver fluke.</h6> <h2>SFI stacking</h2> <p>A practical demonstration of the Upland Farmer Toolkit will show you how to effectively and easily apply for SFI funding and, where appropriate, use &lsquo;stacking&rsquo; to capitalise on the offering. You will have an opportunity to test the toolkit yourself and find out how SFI stacking could apply to your farm.</p> <h2>Liver fluke</h2> <p>Elanco&rsquo;s Matthew Colston, a ruminant technical consultant, will be sharing the latest information on controlling liver fluke, worms and anthelmintic resistance. We will also go on a farm walk to uncover the favoured habitat of the intermediate host &ndash; the mud snail.</p> <p>If you are an upland farmer challenged by overcoming the loss of basic payment and/or production losses posed by liver fluke, this event is for you.</p> <p>Please arrive by 6:15pm for a 6:30pm start.</p> <p>This event is&nbsp;brought to you by AHDB,&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" title="Pasture for Life">Pasture for Life (PFL)</a>,&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" title="Get funding for farming in protected landscapes">Farming in Protected Landscapes programme (FiPL)</a> and <a href="" target="_blank" title="Elanco | Farm animals">Elanco</a>; it&nbsp;is being hosted by farmer Roger Sedgwick.</p>Wed, 03 Apr 2024 09:53:34 GMT and liver fluke management in the uplands<h6>Learn about the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) stacking options in an upland environment and how you can build a resilient farming business with the <a href="" target="_blank" title="Upland Farmer Toolkit">Upland Farmer Toolkit</a>.</h6> <h6>We will also share the latest information on anthelmintics and the control and management of liver fluke.</h6> <h2>SFI stacking</h2> <p>A practical demonstration of the Upland Farmer Toolkit will show you how to effectively and easily apply for SFI funding and, where appropriate, use &lsquo;stacking&rsquo; to capitalise on the offering. You will have an opportunity to test the toolkit yourself and find out how SFI stacking could apply to your farm.</p> <h2>Liver fluke</h2> <p>Elanco&rsquo;s Matthew Colston, a ruminant technical consultant, will be sharing the latest information on controlling liver fluke, worms and anthelmintic resistance. We will also go on a farm walk to uncover the favoured habitat of the intermediate host &ndash; the mud snail.</p> <p>If you are an upland farmer challenged by overcoming the loss of basic payment and/or production losses posed by liver fluke, this event is for you.</p> <p>Please arrive by 1:15pm for a 1:30pm start.</p> <p>This event is&nbsp;brought to you by AHDB,&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" title="Pasture for Life">Pasture for Life (PFL)</a>,&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" title="Get funding for farming in protected landscapes">Farming in Protected Landscapes programme (FiPL)</a> and <a href="" target="_blank" title="Elanco | Farm animals">Elanco</a>; it&nbsp;is being hosted by farmer Sam Rawling.</p>Wed, 03 Apr 2024 09:53:34 GMT post-mortem evening<h6>See first hand the impact of parasites on sheep as&nbsp;vet Ben Strugnell conducts&nbsp;post-mortems. We will also discuss best practice for controlling worms and explain why, when and how post-mortems take place.</h6> <p>During this event,&nbsp;<span>Ben Strugnell BVM&amp;S Cert PM MRCVS of <a href="" target="_blank">Farm Post Mortems Ltd</a>. will conduct post-mortems of sheep and&nbsp;explain the findings. </span></p> <p><span>We will discuss:</span></p> <ul> <li>Why, when and how post-mortems take place and the benefits of them</li> <li>What organs look like and the common causes of death in lambs</li> <li>How worms can affect your flock and current best practice advice on effective worm control</li> </ul> <p><span>Ben is an&nbsp;</span>independent vet with a particular interest in farm animal pathology.</p> <p>The event is being hosted by Mole Valley Farmers, AHDB Beef &amp; Lamb and Elanco.</p> <p>Booking is essential for catering purposes, reserve your place by contacting Jade Chidgey at Mole Valley Farmers by <strong>Friday 26 April 2024</strong>.&nbsp;</p> <p>Jade Chidgey: 07773 176716</p> <p>Deadstock will be present at this meeting.</p> <p>RoSA points are available for attending this event.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Sign up to receive the latest information from AHDB<br /><br /></a></p> <p></p> <p></p> <p><img width="1000" height="200" alt="Logos of: AHDB, Mole Valley Farmers, and Elanco" src=" event April 2024.jpg" copyright="" /></p>Tue, 02 Apr 2024 10:59:10 GMT