Weedshttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/topic/crops-grassland/weedsWeedsNew research ideas tackle IPM in cereals https://ahdb.org.uk:443/news/new-research-ideas-tackle-ipm-in-cerealsNew research ideas tackle IPM in cereals Mon, 07 Oct 2024 15:15:37 GMThttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/news/new-research-ideas-tackle-ipm-in-cerealsWhy and how we monitor cereal contaminants (and why we need to hear from you)https://ahdb.org.uk:443/news/why-and-how-we-monitor-cereal-contaminants-and-why-we-need-to-hear-from-youWhy and how we monitor cereal contaminants (and why we need to hear from you)Tue, 03 Sep 2024 13:25:04 GMThttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/news/why-and-how-we-monitor-cereal-contaminants-and-why-we-need-to-hear-from-youOilseed rape agronomy as crops approach floweringhttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/news/oilseed-rape-agronomy-as-crops-approach-floweringOilseed rape agronomy as crops approach floweringFri, 08 Mar 2024 15:36:26 GMThttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/news/oilseed-rape-agronomy-as-crops-approach-floweringThe Norfolk arable farm with practical research at its hearthttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/news/the-norfolk-arable-farm-with-practical-research-at-its-heartThe Norfolk arable farm with practical research at its heartWed, 07 Feb 2024 11:39:43 GMThttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/news/the-norfolk-arable-farm-with-practical-research-at-its-heartInitial results from the Recommended Lists (RL) reviewhttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/news/initial-results-from-the-recommended-lists-rl-reviewInitial results from the Recommended Lists (RL) reviewTue, 23 May 2023 11:18:03 GMThttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/news/initial-results-from-the-recommended-lists-rl-reviewHundreds take part in the Recommended Lists (RL) reviewhttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/news/hundreds-take-part-in-the-recommended-lists-rl-reviewHundreds take part in the Recommended Lists (RL) reviewTue, 28 Feb 2023 10:16:43 GMThttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/news/hundreds-take-part-in-the-recommended-lists-rl-reviewRecommended Lists (RL) review focus group (3/3)https://ahdb.org.uk:443/events/recommended-lists-rl-review-focus-group-3-3<p>As part of a major review of the AHDB Recommended Lists for cereals and oilseeds (RL), the online focus groups provide the perfect opportunity to discuss the variety trialling project and how to adapt it to meet the evolving needs of modern farming businesses.</p> <p>The online meetings are primarily aimed at farmers and agronomists, with the agenda guided by the emerging results of the RL review.</p> <p>The facilitated discussions will explore how farmers make variety selection decisions and address pressing challenges to ensure that the RL&rsquo;s limited resources focus on delivering the best value to industry.</p> <p>This is one of three focus group meetings. The other two are:</p> <p><a href="https://commsahdborguk.ctml2.com/ahdblz/EventMgr_BookEvent1.aspx?eID=793">31 January 2023</a><span>&nbsp;</span>(8:00am&ndash;9:30am), organic focus.</p> <p><a href="https://commsahdborguk.ctml2.com/ahdblz/EventMgr_BookEvent1.aspx?eID=794">13 February 2023</a><span>&nbsp;</span>(12:00pm&ndash;1:30pm)</p> <h1>Complete the questionnaire</h1> <p>In addition to the focus groups, people can fill in an&nbsp;<a href="https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=S-UsoT09RkOV7_8Tyl3UfRyYHHInJw9Jku6IZ3HaE2NUMlVIQ1owR1U5TFZYWFFDR1BBVFVRNlczMC4u&amp;origin=Invitation&amp;channel=0">online questionnaire</a><span>&nbsp;</span>&ndash; arguably, the quickest and simplest way to express views.</p> <p>Aimed at all users of the RL in Great Britain, the questionnaire is open until<span>&nbsp;</span><strong>17 February 2023</strong>.</p> <p>The RL team is also seeking views from all stakeholders with an interest in the RL.</p> <p>For details on how to get involved, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://ahdb.org.uk/rl-review">ahdb.org.uk/rl-review</a></p>Mon, 19 Dec 2022 10:15:08 GMThttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/events/recommended-lists-rl-review-focus-group-3-3Recommended Lists (RL) review focus group (2/3)https://ahdb.org.uk:443/events/recommended-lists-rl-review-focus-group-2-3<p>As part of a major review of the AHDB Recommended Lists for cereals and oilseeds (RL), the online focus groups provide the perfect opportunity to discuss the variety trialling project and how to adapt it to meet the evolving needs of modern farming businesses.</p> <p>The online meetings are primarily aimed at farmers and agronomists, with the agenda guided by the emerging results of the RL review.</p> <p>The facilitated discussions will explore how farmers make variety selection decisions and address pressing challenges to ensure that the RL&rsquo;s limited resources focus on delivering the best value to industry.</p> <p>This is one of three focus group meetings. The other two are:</p> <p><a href="https://commsahdborguk.ctml2.com/ahdblz/EventMgr_BookEvent1.aspx?eID=793">31 January 2023</a><span>&nbsp;</span>(8:00am&ndash;9:30am), organic focus.</p> <p><a href="https://commsahdborguk.ctml2.com/ahdblz/EventMgr_BookEvent1.aspx?eID=795">22 February 2023</a><span>&nbsp;</span>(9:00am&ndash;10:30am)</p> <h1>Complete the questionnaire</h1> <p>In addition to the focus groups, people can fill in an&nbsp;<a href="https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=S-UsoT09RkOV7_8Tyl3UfRyYHHInJw9Jku6IZ3HaE2NUMlVIQ1owR1U5TFZYWFFDR1BBVFVRNlczMC4u&amp;origin=Invitation&amp;channel=0">online questionnaire</a><span>&nbsp;</span>&ndash; arguably, the quickest and simplest way to express views.</p> <p>Aimed at all users of the RL in Great Britain, the questionnaire is open until<span>&nbsp;</span><strong>17 February 2023</strong>.</p> <p>The RL team is also seeking views from all stakeholders with an interest in the RL.</p> <p>For details on how to get involved, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://ahdb.org.uk/rl-review">ahdb.org.uk/rl-review</a></p>Mon, 19 Dec 2022 10:11:54 GMThttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/events/recommended-lists-rl-review-focus-group-2-3Recommended Lists (RL) review focus group (1/3)https://ahdb.org.uk:443/events/recommended-lists-rl-review-focus-group-1-3<p>As part of a major review of the AHDB Recommended Lists for cereals and oilseeds (RL), the online focus groups provide the perfect opportunity to discuss the variety trialling project and how to adapt it to meet the evolving needs of modern farming businesses.</p> <p>The online meetings are primarily aimed at farmers and agronomists, with the agenda guided by the emerging results of the RL review.</p> <p>The facilitated discussions will explore how farmers make variety selection decisions and address pressing challenges to ensure that the RL&rsquo;s limited resources focus on delivering the best value to industry.</p> <p><strong>This meeting has a focus on organic production.</strong></p> <p>This is one of three focus group meetings. The other two are:</p> <p><a href="https://commsahdborguk.ctml2.com/ahdblz/EventMgr_BookEvent1.aspx?eID=794">13 February 2023</a> (12:00pm&ndash;1:30pm)</p> <p><a href="https://commsahdborguk.ctml2.com/ahdblz/EventMgr_BookEvent1.aspx?eID=795">22 February 2023</a> (9:00am&ndash;10:30am)</p> <h1>Complete the questionnaire</h1> <p>In addition to the focus groups, people can fill in an&nbsp;<a href="https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=S-UsoT09RkOV7_8Tyl3UfRyYHHInJw9Jku6IZ3HaE2NUMlVIQ1owR1U5TFZYWFFDR1BBVFVRNlczMC4u&amp;origin=Invitation&amp;channel=0">online questionnaire</a> &ndash; arguably, the quickest and simplest way to express views.</p> <p>Aimed at all users of the RL in Great Britain, the questionnaire is open until <strong>17 February 2023</strong>.</p> <p>The RL team is also seeking views from all stakeholders with an interest in the RL.</p> <p>For details on how to get involved, visit&nbsp;<a href="https://ahdb.org.uk/rl-review">ahdb.org.uk/rl-review</a></p>Mon, 19 Dec 2022 10:02:20 GMThttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/events/recommended-lists-rl-review-focus-group-1-3Recommended Lists for cereals and oilseeds (RL) review (2022–2023)https://ahdb.org.uk:443/recommended-lists-for-cereals-and-oilseeds-RL-review-2022-2023Recommended Lists for cereals and oilseeds (RL) review (2022–2023)Mon, 28 Nov 2022 09:56:00 GMThttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/recommended-lists-for-cereals-and-oilseeds-RL-review-2022-2023Limited arrivals bring big boost to the Recommended Listshttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/news/limited-arrivals-bring-big-boost-to-the-recommended-listsLimited arrivals bring big boost to the Recommended ListsTue, 22 Nov 2022 15:31:39 GMThttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/news/limited-arrivals-bring-big-boost-to-the-recommended-listsMajor review of the AHDB Recommended Lists gets underwayhttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/news/major-review-of-the-ahdb-recommended-lists-gets-underwayMajor review of the AHDB Recommended Lists gets underwayTue, 22 Nov 2022 14:56:37 GMThttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/news/major-review-of-the-ahdb-recommended-lists-gets-underwayPut stewardship at the heart of glyphosate use, says WRAGhttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/news/put-stewardship-at-the-heart-of-glyphosate-use-says-wragPut stewardship at the heart of glyphosate use, says WRAGWed, 09 Nov 2022 14:07:29 GMThttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/news/put-stewardship-at-the-heart-of-glyphosate-use-says-wragAgronomists' Conference 2022https://ahdb.org.uk:443/events/agronomists-conference-2022<p>The Agronomists&rsquo; Conference is a full-day technical conference that turns the latest research into practical agronomy for the whole rotation.</p> <p>The event is free to attend.</p> <p><strong>In 2022, the conference is fully online, with speakers livestreaming from a venue close to AHDB&rsquo;s headquarters in Warwickshire.</strong></p> <p>The event, which features a mix of in-depth technical papers and expert-led thematic overviews, is a staple feature in the diary of many agronomists. The conference is now in its 16<sup>th</sup> year.</p> <p>It includes the launch of the latest fungicide performance trial data and provides insight into the recently released edition of the Recommended Lists for cereals and oilseeds (RL).</p> <p>The day also features several panel sessions to debate thought-provoking questions (submitted by registered delegates).</p> <p>Following the conference, videos of the presentations will be available on the AHDB Cereals &amp; Oilseeds YouTube channel.</p> <p>With a focus on the latest advances in agronomy, the conference builds on our annual Agronomists&rsquo; Induction event, which introduces AHDB&rsquo;s products, tools, services, and staff to new agronomists.</p> <p>For further information about the event and the Agronomists' Induction event, visit: <a href="https://ahdb.org.uk/agronomists"><strong>ahdb.org.uk/agronomists</strong></a></p> <h2><strong>Programme*</strong></h2> <p>*Details correct at time of publication</p> <p><strong>9:00am Introduction (conference chair)&nbsp;</strong>&ndash;&nbsp;Ana Reynolds, AHDB<br /><strong></strong></p> <p><strong>Session 1: Pests</strong></p> <ul> <li>9:15am Trends in the last decade: Wheat bulb fly&nbsp;&ndash;<strong>&nbsp;</strong>Steve Ellis, ADAS</li> <li>9:35am Trends in the last decade: Insecticide resistance&nbsp;&ndash;<strong>&nbsp;</strong>Steve Foster, Rothamsted Research</li> <li>9:55am Decision support systems for optimal crop management&nbsp;&ndash; Mark Ramsden, ADAS</li> <li>10:15am Panel session&nbsp;<strong>&ndash;&nbsp;</strong>Session 1 speakers</li> <li>10:25am Break<br /><strong></strong></li> </ul> <p><strong>Session 2: Diseases</strong></p> <ul> <li>10:35am Stem rust and international rust monitoring&nbsp;&ndash; Diane Saunders, John Innes Centre</li> <li>10:55am What&rsquo;s next for variety choice and the Recommended Lists (RL)?&nbsp;&ndash;&nbsp;Paul Gosling, AHDB</li> <li>11:15am Fungicide performance for wheat, barley and oilseed rape &ndash; Fiona Burnett, SRUC and Rebecca Joynt, ADAS</li> <li>12:15pm Panel session&nbsp;&ndash; Session 2 speakers</li> <li>12:30pm Break<br /><strong></strong></li> </ul> <p><strong>Session 3: Nutrients</strong></p> <ul> <li>1:00pm Nutrient management for quality: Milling wheat&nbsp;&ndash;&nbsp;Steve Hoad, SRUC</li> <li>1:20pm Nutrient management for quality: Oats&nbsp;&ndash; Sarah Clarke, ADAS</li> <li>1:40pm Nitrogen adjustment calculator&nbsp;&ndash; Mark Topliff, AHDB</li> <li>2:00pm Panel session</li> <li>Session 3 speakers</li> <li>2:10pm Break<br /><strong></strong></li> </ul> <p><strong>Session 4: Environment</strong></p> <ul> <li>2:20pm&nbsp;Reducing artificial inputs &ndash; <span>Henrietta Lowth, Organic Research Centre</span></li> <li>2:40pm Integrated soils and plant nutrition&nbsp;&ndash; Ian Robertston,&nbsp;Sustainable Soil Management</li> <li>3:00pm Carbon and GHG accounting: Where are we now?&nbsp;&ndash;&nbsp;Nick Blyth, AHDB</li> <li>3:20pm Net zero cropping report&nbsp;&ndash;&nbsp;Jon Foot, AHDB</li> <li>3:40pm Panel session</li> <li>Session 4 speakers</li> </ul> <p><strong>3:50pm Closing remarks (conference chair)&nbsp;</strong>&ndash;&nbsp;<span>Ana Reynolds, AHDB</span></p> <p><strong>4:00pm Event close</strong></p>Mon, 12 Sep 2022 09:05:30 GMThttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/events/agronomists-conference-2022Agronomists' Induction 2022https://ahdb.org.uk:443/events/agronomists-induction-2022<p>The Agronomists&rsquo; Induction is a formal introduction to AHDB&rsquo;s products, tools and services for&nbsp;agronomists early in their careers.&nbsp;</p> <p>Ultimately, the two-day event aims to help the agronomy industry bring benefit to AHDB levy payers and provides&nbsp;opportunity to kick-start career-long networking between AHDB staff and agronomists.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>If you are intrigued about the independent science behind our work, want to discover how we encourage on-farm trialling and want to make the most of our outputs, this event is for you.&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>With a focus on the basics about what AHDB does (such as how our trials are set up and analysed), the event lays a vital foundation. It complements our flagship Agronomists&rsquo; Conference in December, which delivers the latest advances in agronomy.&nbsp;</p> <p>Although the Agronomists&rsquo; Induction focuses on the production of cereals and oilseeds, the wider rotation is also considered. It features contributions from partner organisations, such as BBRO, PGRO, BASIS and the Voluntary Initiative. It also covers related activity at AHDB Strategic Cereal Farms and Monitor Farms.&nbsp;</p> <p>Encouraging learning, the event blends seminars with interactive workshops. It also includes a networking dinner in the evening of the first day and lunch on both days.&nbsp;</p> <p>For further information about the event and the Agronomists' Conference, visit:&nbsp;<a href="https://ahdb.org.uk/agronomists">ahdb.org.uk/agronomists</a></p> <h2><strong>Programme</strong></h2> <h3><strong>Day one programme*</strong></h3> <p><span>*Details correct at time of publication</span></p> <p><strong>12:00pm Registration, lunch, and exhibitions</strong></p> <p><strong>1:00pm Welcome from the event chairperson (day one)</strong></p> <ul> <li>Ana Reynolds, AHDB Head of Engagement (Cereals &amp; Oilseeds)</li> </ul> <p><strong>Seminar session 1 &ndash; Major technical outputs</strong></p> <ul> <li>What&rsquo;s next for AHDB? &ndash; Ana Reynolds, AHDB Head of Engagement (Cereals &amp; Oilseeds)</li> <li>Recommended Lists (RL) &ndash; Paul Gosling, AHDB Crop Production Systems Senior Scientist</li> <li>Nutrient Management Guide &ndash; Amanda Bennett, AHDB Senior Environment Scientist</li> </ul> <p><strong>2:00pm Workshop session 1**</strong></p> <p><strong>2:30pm Seminar session 2 &ndash; Policy and the market</strong></p> <ul> <li>Chair: Isobel Eames, AHDB Knowledge Exchange Manager (Cereals &amp; Oilseeds)</li> <li><span>Changes in agricultural policy</span>&nbsp;&ndash; Amandeep Kaur Purewal, AHDB Senior Analyst</li> <li>Greenhouse gas emissions and carbon (standards and drivers) &ndash; Nick Blyth, AHDB Senior Environment Manager</li> </ul> <p><strong>3:20pm Workshop session 2**</strong></p> <p><strong>3:50pm Seminar session 3 &ndash; Working in partnership 1</strong></p> <ul> <li>Chair: Michelle Nuttall, Knowledge Exchange Manager (Cereals &amp; Oilseeds)</li> <li>An introduction to BASIS &ndash; Teresa Meadows, BASIS Head of Environment, Audit and Public Affairs</li> <li>An introduction to the Voluntary Initiative (VI) &ndash; Phil Jarvis, VI Chairperson</li> </ul> <p><strong>4:30pm Workshop session 3**</strong></p> <p><strong>5:00pm Seminar session 4 &ndash; Working in partnership 2</strong></p> <ul> <li>Chair: Adrian James, AHDB Knowledge Exchange Manager (Cereals &amp; Oilseeds)</li> <li>Strategic Cereal Farms &ndash; Fiona Geary, AHDB Knowledge Transfer Manager (Cereals &amp; Oilseeds)</li> <li>LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming) &ndash; Speaker TBC</li> <li>Yield Enhancement Network (YEN) &ndash; AHDB Matthew Brearley Knowledge Transfer Officer (Cereals &amp; Oilseeds)</li> </ul> <p><strong>5:30pm Seminar and workshop close (day one)</strong></p> <p><strong>7:00pm Networking dinner and after-dinner quiz</strong></p> <p><strong>**Workshop sessions (day one)</strong></p> <ul> <li>Planning profitable rotations &ndash; Philip Dolbear, AHDB Knowledge Exchange Manager (Cereals &amp; Oilseeds)</li> <li>Getting the most out of the RL &ndash; Kathryn Hales, AHDB Senior Field Trials Data Analyst, and Sean Burns, AHDB Senior Field Trials Manager</li> <li>Efficient use of crop sprayers &ndash; Harry Henderson, AHDB Knowledge Exchange Manager (Cereals &amp; Oilseeds)</li> </ul> <h3><strong>Day two programme*</strong></h3> <p><strong>9:00am Welcome from the event chairperson (day two)</strong></p> <ul> <li>Philip Dolbear, AHDB Knowledge Exchange Manager (Cereals &amp; Oilseeds)</li> </ul> <p><strong>Seminar session 5 &ndash; Working with soils and biology</strong></p> <ul> <li>GREATsoils &ndash; Amanda Bennett, AHDB Senior Environment Scientist</li> <li>Livestock and the rotation &ndash; Lizzie Sagoo, ADAS Principal Soil Scientist</li> </ul> <p><strong>9:50am Workshop session 4***</strong></p> <p><strong>10:20am Seminar session 6 &ndash; Pest management</strong></p> <ul> <li>Chair: Judith Stafford, AHDB Knowledge Exchange Manager (Cereals &amp; Oilseeds)</li> <li>Pests and beneficials &ndash; Siobhan Hillman, AHDB Crop Protection Scientist</li> <li>The role of flowering strips &ndash; Aoife O'Driscoll, NIAB Senior Specialist (Crop Protection and IPM)</li> <li>Innovative Farmers field labs &ndash; Matthew Brearley, AHDB Knowledge Transfer Officer (Cereals &amp; Oilseeds)</li> </ul> <p><strong>11:20am Workshop session 5***</strong></p> <p><strong>11:50am Seminar session 7 &ndash; Working in partnership 3</strong></p> <ul> <li>Chair: Hannah Bowden, Knowledge Exchange Manager (Cereals &amp; Oilseeds)</li> <li>An introduction to BBRO &ndash; Georgina Barratt, BBRO Applied Crop Scientist</li> <li>An introduction to PGRO &ndash; Steve Belcher, PGRO Principal Technical Officer</li> </ul> <p><strong>12:35pm Workshop session 6***</strong></p> <p><strong>1:05pm Seminar session 8 &ndash; Agronomy and the future</strong></p> <ul> <li>Chair: Ana Reynolds, AHDB Head of Engagement (Cereals &amp; Oilseeds)</li> <li>Looking to the future &ndash; Stephen Briggs, farmer, interim AHDB Cereals &amp; Oilseeds sector council chair and AHDB board member</li> </ul> <p><strong>***Workshop sessions (day two)</strong></p> <ul> <li>How to assess and manage soil &ndash; Amanda Bennett, AHDB Senior Environment Scientist</li> <li>How to ID pests and beneficials &ndash; Siobhan Hillman, AHDB Crop Protection Scientist</li> <li>Do it yourself disease ratings &ndash; Catherine Harries, AHDB Senior Crop Protection Scientist</li> </ul> <p><strong>1:30pm Event closes and exhibitions open</strong></p> <h2><strong>Event news</strong></h2> <p><a href="https://ahdb.org.uk/news/spotlight-on-inputs-at-ahdb-events-for-agronomists">Spotlight on inputs at AHDB events for agronomists</a></p> <p></p>Fri, 09 Sep 2022 11:05:22 GMThttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/events/agronomists-induction-2022The growing challenge of herbicide resistant Italian rye-grasshttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/news/the-growing-challenge-of-herbicide-resistant-italian-rye-grassThe growing challenge of herbicide resistant Italian rye-grassThu, 18 Aug 2022 14:30:16 GMThttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/news/the-growing-challenge-of-herbicide-resistant-italian-rye-grassUse brome maps to target weed control https://ahdb.org.uk:443/news/use-brome-maps-to-target-weed-controlUse brome maps to target weed control Mon, 09 May 2022 14:23:12 GMThttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/news/use-brome-maps-to-target-weed-controlOilseed rape conferencehttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/oilseed-rape-conferenceOilseed rape conferenceMon, 28 Mar 2022 10:28:00 GMThttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/oilseed-rape-conferenceWeed research for cereals and oilseedshttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/knowledge-library/weed-research-for-cereals-and-oilseedsWeed research for cereals and oilseedsFri, 04 Feb 2022 15:44:44 GMThttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/knowledge-library/weed-research-for-cereals-and-oilseedsPhD investigates the ‘hare’ (wheat) and the ‘tortoise’ (black-grass) https://ahdb.org.uk:443/news/phd-investigates-the-hare-wheat-and-the-tortoise-black-grassPhD investigates the ‘hare’ (wheat) and the ‘tortoise’ (black-grass) Fri, 21 Jan 2022 09:33:44 GMThttps://ahdb.org.uk:443/news/phd-investigates-the-hare-wheat-and-the-tortoise-black-grass