David Eudall
Economics & Analysis Director

Email: david.eudall@ahdb.org.uk
David joined AHDB in 2017 after working as a grain trader and previously working for HGCA the cereals levy board prior to AHDB being formed.
David’s role at AHDB is to oversee the Economics and Analysis department. This is a team of over 50 staff who are looking at the full range of issues that affect farm businesses. His department is delving into the economics of farm efficiency and cost of production, to commodity market analysis and macro trends in policy and retail/consumer markets.
David is part of the senior team at AHDB who actively leads the business in implementing a continuous improvement mindset to constantly create more value for levy payers.
David’s role also takes in the responsibility for helping industry to develop a business case for the Digital Grain Passport.
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Cross Sector