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AMPE and MCVE calculator
Updated 21 January 2021
This downloadable spreadsheet allows you to create AMPE and MCVE market indicators for your own data.
Whether you’re a farmer looking to see what impact higher butterfat and protein figures might have on the value of your milk to your customer, or a processor wanting to benchmark yourself against our market indicator – our new tool is now available for use.
There are a multitude of assumptions that go into our AMPE and MCVE market indicators, including, but not limited to:
- Compositional quality of the milk,
- Manufacturing costs for each product,
- Market value of each product,
- By-products manufactured,
- Processing losses,
- Lactose standardisation, or not.
Now you can amend these assumptions to create your own unique AMPE or MCVE market indicator.
Enter as many personal parameters as you like, and the model will use our assumptions to fill in any gaps.
You can also include a processing margin and/or the milk haulage cost from farm to factory to create a farm-gate price, if desired. Both of these elements are omitted from our headline prices.
We would welcome your feedback on this spreadsheet, including any suggestions for improving it in the future. So, if you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
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