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UK dairy trade
Updated February 2025
This page gives quarterly overview of UK dairy trade. For a detailed look at the latest monthly data please visit our dairy trade dashboard.
Latest dairy trade news


- Total dairy export volume for Q4 2024 was up 2.5% on Q4 2023, at 283.3k tonnes.
- Total dairy import volume for Q4 2024 was down 0.2% on Q4 2023, at 268.4k tonnes.
- Export performance was mixed among the key categories. Exports of whey products increased by 5,100t (39%) from Q4 2023, yogurt up by 4,300t (65%), milk and cream up by 4,000t (2%) and butter up marginally by 400t (3%). However, powdered and condensed milk noticed a significant decline of 13% followed by cheese and curd at 5%.
- Dairy wholesale prices have eased domestically in the month of February and globally remained fairly buoyant in the month of January. However much depends on uncertain geopolitical factors in the global market influencing trade flows.
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