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UK trade data
Trade information is a key indicator for the domestic market. Import and export data for all raw cereals and oilseeds is produced by HMRC. The latest volume data from HMRC is collated on a monthly basis with information for the crop year (July to June) also being available.
Latest UK trade data
UK cereals, oilseeds and related products import/export data (to January 2025)
UK cereals, oilseeds and related products import/export dataset (to January 2025)
UK cereals, oilseeds and related products import/export dataset (2012/13 to 2014/15)
UK imports of non-cereal feed ingredients (NCFIs)
Additional information about Below Threshold Trade Allocation (BTTA)
Since September 2018, we are reporting HMRC trade data for cereals and oilseeds without the Below Threshold Trade Allocation (BTTA), similar to that published by HMRC on its website. The move to publishing trade data without BTTAs is aimed at improving data timeliness and quality.
What is BTTA?
All UK VAT registered businesses who reach a set threshold for their value of trade with other EU Member States are required to submit Intrastat declarations for the production of intra-EU trade statistics. The trade value for businesses below this threshold can be identified from their VAT returns, but without detail on commodity and partner country.
BTTA is the process whereby this value is allocated to particular commodity and partner country combinations. This is done by analysing the patterns of trade from the previous year, specifically looking at those business above but close to the threshold, in comparison to Intrastat trade overall. Factors generated from this are then used for the following year's BTTAs (HMRC).
Please contact cereals.mi@ahdb.org.uk for more information.
Contact us
This dataset was produced by our Data and Analysis Team. To find out more about the team, please visit the Data and Analysis team page.
If you need any further help, please email the team at cereals.mi@ahdb.org.uk
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