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Cereal stocks
This information shows the estimated volume of cereal stocks held by merchants, ports and co-operatives in the UK at the end of February and June each year. The level of stocks held in the UK is a key factor for the market in determining price trends. This information is used to produce the UK cereals supply and demand estimates.
Latest update
Estimated cereal stocks held by merchants, ports and co-ops in the UK

Source: AHDB, Defra
*Insufficient sample to produce robust figure.
(1) Maize is reported as a total of home grown and imported.
(2) Imported barley and oats are combined due to confidentiality constraints.
Additional information
The England and Wales on-farm cereal stocks survey is carried out separately by Defra. Similar to the merchants, ports and co-operatives survey, it is carried out as at the end of February and June each year with the results published by Defra in the spring and summer.
Here is some useful government information about on-farm cereal stocks.
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This dataset was produced by our Data and Analysis Team. To find out more about the team, please visit the Data and Analysis team page.
For further information please contact the AHDB Arable Team at balance.sheet.team@ahdb.org.uk
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