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- Dairy markets - Supply and demand - Dairy production - EU milk deliveries (incl. organic)
EU milk deliveries (including organic)
These figures show monthly EU milk deliveries by Member State. Organic information is also available for selected EU Member states.
EU milk deliveries
There is no data for Luxembourg from Jan 2019.
Please click on the link below to visit the Eurostat website. From the Eurostat menu please select "Database by themes", "Agriculture, forestry and fisheries", "Agriculture (agr)", "Agricultural production (apro)", "Animal production (apro_anip)", "Milk and milk products (apro_mk)" then select "Cows' milk collection and products obtained - monthly data (apro_mk_colm)". This data is updated monthly.
EU organic milk deliveries
Please click on the link below to visit the Eurostat website. From the Eurostat menu please select "Database by themes", "Agriculture, forestry and fisheries", "Agriculture (agr)", "Organic farming (org)" then select "Organic production of animal products (from 2012 onwards)(org_aqtspec)". This data is updated annualy.
For monthly data for France and Germany please click on the links below to visit the France Agrimer and CLAL websites respectively.
Additional information
- Estimates are used for incomplete datasets.
- Organic milk delivery data is very limited, with only partial historic data available for Germany and France.
Visit the Eurostat website - European statistical recovery dashboard page
Visit the France AgriMer for French organic milk update
Visit the CLAL.it website for German organic milk update
Contact us
This dataset was produced by our Data and Analysis Team. To find out more about the team, please visit the Data and Analysis team page.
If you need any further help, please email Martin, Dorian, Ian or Esther at datum@ahdb.org.uk
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