David Swales
Head of Economics and Analysis Operations (Livestock)

Email: David.Swales@ahdb.org.uk
David Swales is the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Boards Head of Economics and Analysis for livestock sectors. His role covers a diversity of areas from market intelligence on dairy, pork, beef and lamb to retail and consumer insight.
David has authored a number of AHDB’s Horizon reports on issues relating to EU exit and the impact of agriculture and trade policy. He has provided evidence on market issues to parliamentary select committees, ministers, civil servants and levy payers. A geographer by training, David specialised in agricultural geography and rural change. Before joining AHDB David held a number of economic and skills-related research roles. This included a spell as Research Manager at Lantra, the Sector Skills Council for the land-based sector.
Other Articles from David Swales
Cross Sector
Dairy Sector
Beef & Lamb Sector