Paul Gosling
Senior Manager for the Recommended Lists (RL)

Expertise in variety evaluation. Overall management of the Recommended Lists (RL) and the GB and NI Variety Lists (VL) trials for AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds.
Other Articles from Paul Gosling
Cereals & Oilseeds Sector
- How damaging are wheat lemon blossom midges?
- An exciting time to join an RL crop committee
- The new Recommended Lists (RL) is leaner and meaner
- How do winter wheat varieties perform when sown very late?
- RL trials and septoria: a changing view of genetic potential
- Does RL data back up pod shatter resistance claims?
- No change to SY Cheer's status on the AHDB Recommended Lists (RL)
- New Recommended Lists (RL) delivers exciting mainstream and niche varieties
- Why the RL fungicide programme is commercially relevant
- Designing fungicide programmes for variety trials