Richard Gibson

International Trade Development Manager

Image of staff member Richard Gibson

Richard joined AHDB in March 2024. He is providing support to our team across key international markets, including South East Asia, Middle East and Americas. This involves travelling to trade shows along with our levy paying exporters, as well as organising events around these.

Maintaining relations with our established markets will be an important aspect of Richard’s portfolio. This will be through outward missions and showcasing the best of the UK red meat industry to overseas delegations. Building links with government officials and industry representatives is a vital aspect of Richard’s role.

Prior to joining AHDB Richard was a dairy development advisor with the Department of Agriculture in Northern Ireland (DAERA), where he provided technical advice to dairy farmers. Previously he worked as a farm liaison officer with Aurivo Co-operative, a dairy processor in ROI.

Richard lives in Portadown Co Armagh. He likes to keep an active lifestyle as an avid runner, hiking and playing football. He also enjoys travelling and going to watch his team Newcastle in his spare time.

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