Contents tagged with ASF

20 May 2024

What does an ASF contingency plan look like and how can you play your part in protecting the national herd?

4 June 2024

Mandy Nevel shares her thoughts on the risk of ASF reaching the UK and the importance of contingency planning.

3 January 2024

Preparation is key. Not only does it save time during an outbreak, but it can also help limit the impact too.

16 October 2023

A biosecurity checklist to remind yourself and your team of the simple things which could keep disease away from your pigs.

3 March 2022

The ongoing development of African swine fever (ASF) in continental Europe is a growing concern.

13 July 2021

We take a look at how German pork trade has been affected following the confirmation of ASF in its wild boar herd in September.

3 November 2020

Find out how coronavirus has presented opportunities to help us understand how we could better prepare for disease outbreaks future

30 May 2024

A set of practical measures you can take to prevent and limit the spread of infectious diseases on your farm.

13 July 2021

Earlier today, Germany announced its first confirmed case of African Swine Fever, found in a wild boar near the Polish border.

30 January 2024

Chinese whey imports reached a ten-year high in July, running 64% up on the year before, suggesting the pig herd is rebuilding after ASF

13 January 2023

How to reduce the spread of disease to keep your pig unit healthy and cost-efficient

20 May 2024

Help raise awareness of the importance of clean vehicles – spread the word, not the disease
