Contents tagged with Analyst Insight

13 July 2021

As we hit January we are constantly reminded about the lengths people claim they will go to in order to become a “new me” These range from going to the gym more, attempting dry January and we can hardly ignore Veganuary.

30 January 2024

As we enter a new decade we look at the key dynamics playing out in the dairy market and how they might influence the markets in the coming year

30 January 2024

The latest update to the AHDB forecast sets expected GB milk production for 2019/20 at 12.58bn litres.

13 July 2021

The consistent wet weather has caused major delays to drilling for 2020 harvest. Farmers are likely to be weighing up alternative spring options at present, of which oats could be one.

13 July 2021

Bearish global price trends and strengthening currency are now the predominant driving force behind UK futures markets.

5 December 2019

With it being assumed that Vivergo Fuels will remain offline for the rest of the 2019/20, what are the prospects for wheat consumption by UK flour millers (including bioethanol and starch)?

13 July 2021

As rain continues to fall across the UK, progress in winter plantings remains hampered. According to the Environment Agency, England received 143% of the long term average rainfall in August-October, making 2019 the third wettest year in the last 20. Furthermore, rainfall in November has totalled 101% of the long term average so far.

13 July 2021

An early recording of GB planting intentions for the 2020 harvest suggests a sharp fall in winter crops, largely because of the extremely wet weather throughout the autumn planting window.

13 July 2021

With the adverse conditions directly impacting winter plantings across the UK, thoughts turn to what will be in the ground come harvest 2020.

13 July 2021

The UK’s trade position on global markets can change each season. In years of lower wheat production, the UK’s stance will turn to a net importer.

13 July 2021

With questions regarding the wheat supply for the UK next year, to what extent could a potential deficit support prices?

13 July 2021

Wet weather has dominated much of the UK since mid-September, causing delays to drilling of winter cereal crops.
