Contents tagged with calving

26 March 2024

According to 2022 BCMS data, the share of GB farms running any sort of block calving system has risen to 18.7%

12 October 2021

Join AHDB’s Sarah Pick, for an insight into her Nuffield findings, investigating heifer replacement strategies in the suckler herd

3 September 2021

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are a useful way to monitor fertility within your suckler herd.

30 January 2024

In the key calving months of Feb, Mar, Aug and Sep block calving can account for a third of overall calvings

3 September 2021

It is important to minimise calving difficulties and know how to assist when necessary.

26 August 2021

Find out why the correct body condition score at calving is such an important part of effective transition management.

11 July 2024

Learn how to make calving as successful as possible.

2 February 2023

These PTAs cover calf survival and related aspects, such as direct and maternal calving ease and gestation length.

15 June 2021

Tim Downes, alongside vet Nathan Loewenstein and dairy building expert Ian Ohnstad explore how to make the most from your buildings at calving.

6 May 2021

This webinar explores how to make the most from your buildings at calving with strategic dairy farmer Tim Downes from The Farm in Shropshire.

26 November 2020

Clinical cases of mastitis and their cure rates should be identified when monitoring calving period outcomes.

26 November 2020

Good environmental management for calving cows is essential to prevent new udder infections.
