Contents tagged with carcass

29 April 2020

A national consumer campaign encouraging consumers to “Make It” with beef

18 January 2022

Both fat class and conformation class have significant effects on the yield of saleable meat from the carcase

21 July 2021

Carcass Trait Evaluations - Phase II

21 July 2021

Carcass trait evaluation

12 June 2024

The AHDB national beef evaluations provide EBV data for commercial carcase traits for all beef breeds, allowing producers to breed for more profitable animals.

13 August 2018

Killing-out percentage (KO%) determines how much saleable carcase weight is obtained from the live pig. The most valuable part of the pig is the meat ontained in the carcase. Producers are paid on the weight of the carcase and an assessment of its leanness, rather than the weight of the live animal.
