Contents tagged with digital dermatitis

12 January 2022

Contagious ovine digital dermatitis

4 January 2022

Contagious ovine digital dermatitis (CODD) as a major new lameness problem in the UK is a new and important challenge

8 May 2019

Building an effective footbath is an essential part of dairy farm design. Work through the footbath fitness test to see if you can improve your footbath design and use.

28 August 2024

Digital dermatitis causes lameness in cattle, which as well as the welfare implications, can cost around £99 per case and so reducing the spread is important.

3 November 2021

A guide to recognising the common causes of lesions in dairy cows and the factors that reduce their occurrence.

18 February 2020

Guidance about the standard operating procedure for foot trimming to reduce the spread of digital dermatitis.

22 May 2018

A score card explaining why it is important to review the herd's cleanliness together with pictorial examples.
