Contents tagged with earthworms

22 November 2023

Case study to show assessment of biological indicators of soil health at Balbirnie Home Farms.

17 June 2022

Learn how worms munch their way through disease-infected residues.

21 November 2023

Earthworms incorporate organic material into the soil and provide channels for root growth.

21 November 2023

Soil organisms help bind soil into stable aggregates.

21 November 2023

Soils contain a very high diversity of organisms. These soil organisms interact with one another and the chemical and physical properties of the soil to drive soil processes.

21 November 2023

Soil biology drives soil functions – find out more.

14 July 2020

Interested in your soil health? This will be a practical session looking at how to assess your soil structure, using a VESS assessment, and your earthworm numbers across the farm. Use this information to inform management practices and hear how this has been put into practice on the AHDB Strategic Farms. Led by Anne Bhogal, ADAS, this will provide a hands on guide to what is needed in-field, a forum to ask your questions and the resources to carry it out for your farm business.
