Contents tagged with threshold

5 November 2020

A low-risk year, with some high-risk sites

5 October 2021

Assess pest pressure to determine the best management response

25 September 2020

Our autumn survey frequently detects large variations in wheat bulb fly egg numbers, both across and between regions

3 October 2019

Wheat bulb fly egg counts are generally low but the trend has been bucked at some monitoring sites

23 September 2020

Results from our wheat bulb fly survey can aid seed treatment decisions

6 September 2019

This tool uses weather data to indicate the optimum time to apply insecticides to cereals

4 July 2019

Management of virus-spreading aphids in winter cereal crops is the subject of our latest research call

29 January 2024

Time your cereals insecticide sprays for aphid/BYDV control with greater accuracy

9 October 2018

It is one of the lowest-risk years for wheat bulb fly (WBF) since monitoring began, according to the final results from the AHDB autumn survey of the pest.

1 July 2024

Tips for various levels of pest pressure
