Beef & Lamb Engagement team
Your first port of call at AHDB is your regional manager. If you’re unsure which region you are in, just contact one manager and they will put you in touch with the right person.
North East
Emily Symonds, Engagement Manager
Emily has experience across the beef and lamb supply chain. Recently, she has been working within the R&D sector linking businesses up with science then translating the knowledge back to a business/farm level.
E: T: 07964 243 699
North West
Karl Pendlebury, Engagement Manager
Karl has more than 35 years’ experience in the beef and lamb sector. He has knowledge of animal trading, auditing of food businesses and has worked with major retailers in their technical supply chains as a specifications manager.
E: T: 07392 319 847

Emma Steele, Engagement Manager
Emma is from a mixed livestock farm in East Yorkshire and has expertise in sheep and beef genetic evaluations for commercial and pedigree breeders.
E: T: 07392 319 813

South East and Anglia
Kate Thompson, Engagement Manager
Kate is a bioscience graduate, which combined with a farming background, cemented a passion for the industry. Kate has previously worked in both the Benchmarking and Communications teams at AHDB.
E: T: 07392 319 264
South West
Tom Edwards, Engagement Manager
Tom graduated from the Royal Agricultural University with a masters in Countryside Management and water quality research. Tom has since built his career in the agricultural sector with Catchment Sensitive Farming and Devon Wildlife Trust.
E: T: 07702 688 165

Amy Hughes, Head of Engagement
Amy Hughes grew up on a suckler and sheep farm in North Yorkshire. She is a vet nurse by trade and has a strong background in cattle reproduction and breeding, having worked as a cattle embryo transfer technician in Gloucestershire.
E: T: 07805 804 806