Cattle eMB phase II


Phase II develpment is complete. 

Beef & Lamb
Project code:
18 March 2019 - 31 March 2020
AHDB Beef & Lamb
Project leader:
Icon Software

About this project

The Problem:

Phase 1 of the pilot electronic medicine book (eMB) for cattle identified some key challenges that the eMB must overcome if it is to be a workable tool for farmers to use. Phase 2 of pilot aims to address some of these challenges.


Aims and Objectives:

Phase 2 of the pilot eMB Cattle aims to:

  1. Implement farm level metrics for benchmarking antibiotics use for dairy and beef cattle
  2. Develop an API or similar as a means of importing data from herd management programs
  3. Investigate how vet practise data can be imported and used within eMB
  4. Improve user navigation and reporting
  5. Work will be done to investigate if the system can be easily adapted to handle sheep medicine use data
  6. Continue testing with users



Like phase 1, a technical advisory group will input to the development of phase II. Work from a project with the University of Bristol on beef benchmarking of medicine use and the Cattle Health and Welfare AMU working group will also inform how further developments are implemented.
