Dairy semen code of advertising

The Dairy Semen Code of Advertising aims to ensure that UK farmers are provided with clear, relevant, up-to-date and easily comparible data when making their breeding decisions. 

The code is a voluntary scheme which breeding companies promoting bulls to UK dairy farmers can sign up to. 

This is achieved through companies abiding by the Dairy Semen Code of Advertising, where a full list of companies participating in the scheme can be found.

Download a copy of the code of advertising

Qualifying companies

Publication of companies signed up to the Code are reviewed following each full UK evaluation run in April, August and December.  They receive an overall adherence score and feedback on each individual publication reviewed.  Companies achieving a minimum of 60% adherence can be found in the list.

Download a list of qualifying companies

Related content

Dairy breeding and genetics

Gold companies

Gold companies follow the Dairy Semen Code of Advertising to the highest possible standard and have achieved an average score of at least 90% across all publications available for review. The following list is in alphabetical order.

AI Services

Alta Genetics

Cattle Services Ayrshire

Gene Source UK



UK Sires Direct

World Wide Sires
