Tyres and compaction: North East

Past Event - booking closed

Friday, 10 January 2020

9:30am - 12:45pm

Ancroft Village Hall, Berwick-upon-Tweed,

TD15 2TE

An in-depth look at wheels, loads, tyre pressures, tyre selection, variable pressure and compaction, along with a practical demonstration of the importance of tyre pressures using a weigh cell. 

Avoiding compaction by making the right choices and operating equipment in the most economical manner, to preserve your soil, your operator and your investment, no matter what you grow.


  • Registration with refreshments
  • Welcome and Introduction: Rose Riby, AHDB and Graham Bannister, AHDB
  • Farming System Overview: Harry Henderson, AHDB
    • Tyres vs tracks
    • Importance of avoiding compaction
    • Large vs small (equipment). Is biggest always best?
  • Tyres overview
    • Tyre Manufacturer - Tyres, design, appropriate use for the job and ballasting for the job. What is available?
  • Coffee break
  • Split into two groups. Swap after half an hour.
    • Group one (inside): Harry Henderson
      • Assessing soil condition and soils ability to support machine weight
      • Making best use of power
      • Choosing tracks or wheels
      • Tyre inflation systems; an economic case?
    • Group Two (outside): tyre manufacturer
      • Practical demonstration of setting tyre pressures according to the weight. ‘How low can you go’?
      • Making the most from your tyres.
      • Headland management
  • Summary, discussion and Q & A: Harry Henderson and tyre manufacturer
  • Lunch then depart

For more information contact:  



If you have any questions about this event, please contact us using the details below.

E rose.riby@ahdb.org.uk
