Farm Excellence

22 August 2024

Join us at Moorhouse Hall Farm to discuss whole slurry systems, including grants, waterways, slurry wizard, construction and pump systems.

12 June 2024

We outline some of the main topics covered over the farm’s tenure and pick out the ones that resonated most with farmers.

9 July 2024

Join this Monitor Farm meeting to discuss all things lucerne with farmer Ian Farrant and Paul Morgan from Germinal.

27 June 2024

To debate the future of the cereals and oilseeds sector and pick up evidence-based resources, visit AHDB at Cereals 2024.

21 May 2024

A blog about keeping crops and trials on track at Strategic Cereal Farm North.

2 May 2024

With the increasing costs within agriculture, it is becoming more important to understand financial goals and set profit targets. Gloucestershire-based dairy farm, Lydney Park Farms, started to look into their financial goals as a part of our Strategic Dairy Farm (SDF) programme.

3 May 2024

We are looking for Welsh dairy farms to join our Strategic Dairy Farm programme.

26 April 2024

Three dairy farms – from Wiltshire, Cheshire and Derbyshire, respectively – will join our Strategic Dairy Farm programme and will hold on-farm launch events in May.

1 May 2024

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18 June 2024

Join us for the final summer farm walk at Newbury Monitor Farm, hosted by Rob Waterstone. We will look at the cropping for harvest 2024 with stimulating discussions around the season so far and Rob’s experiences over his tenure as a Monitor Farm manager. George Mason of Heygates will present “A Miller's Perspective”, exploring the UK milling wheat market and its requirements.

9 May 2024

Join us at Lydney Park Farms as we discuss setting profit targets to aid successful business planning with Brendan Horan from Teagasc.

15 May 2024

Join us for an on-farm meeting to launch our new Strategic Dairy Farm, Wolfhall Farm, run by Antony Mitchell and Tom Blanchard.
