Statfold Farm

Andrew Gilman
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About Statfold Farm

  • Joined the strategic dairy farm network in December 2020
  • 450 acres with 70 acres permanent pasture
  • All-year-round calving herd of 300 Holstein and Swedish Red and Pro cross cows
  • Average yield of 10,000 litres per cow per year
  • Cows housed most of the year (grazing for youngstock and during the dry period)

 Follow Statfold if you are interested in:

  • Learning how to successfully reduce cases of mastitis
  • Further improving fertility rates using exclusively sexed semen
  • Learning more about implementing Swedish Red and Pro cross cows into your herd
  • Reducing instances of lameness
  • Improving nutrient management
  • Finding more efficient ways to utilise slurry


Statfold Farm, in Staffordshire, has been farmed by Andrew Gilman and his family since his grandfather moved there in 1900, making Andrew the third generation to farm it. The extended farm team includes Andrew’s father, Herdsman Andy, Assistant Herdsman Kieran and general farm-worker Nigel, with two other self-employed workers who will do night-time milking.

Our farm

The farm has a total of 450 acres which is made up of 70 acres permanent pasture and the rest split over grass and maize. The infrastructure includes two cubicle sheds: an older shed with 197 cubicles and a new building accommodating 104. Original Victorian buildings are still used along with two new open fronted sheds.

Our herd

Andrew runs an all-year-round calving system herd, currently made up of 300 predominantly Holstein cows with Swedish red with PRO cross being introduced. The herd have an average yield of 10,000 litres per cow per year with 3.9% Fat and 3.3% protein. Cows are housed most of the year and grazed during their dry period. Sexed Semen is used for replacements, with the rest to beef. Breeding decisions are data driven, using milk quality and serves per conception as the current main drivers. They are milked 3 times a day through a 20/20 herringbone parlour and they supply milk to Arla on a liquid contract aligned with Asda.

Our journey

Andrew says there is always room for improvement across the business, but over the next three years he aims to improve cow’s fertility and reduce lameness while also focusing on nutrient management and better utilising slurry.

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Andrew Gilman

Andrew Gilman

'There is always room for improvement and we now want to focus on improving fertility, nutrient management, and slurry usage as well as reducing instances of lameness'

Farm Video

