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- Fungicide performance in wheat, barley and oilseed rape (2018–24)
Fungicide performance in wheat, barley and oilseed rape (2018–24)
For the latest results, visit ahdb.org.uk/fungicide-performance
21120013 phoma summary report (2024) 21120013 light leaf spot summary report (2024) 21120013 phoma summary report (2023) 21120013 light leaf spot summary report (2023) 21120013 phoma summary report (2022) 21120013 light leaf spot summary report (2022) 21120013 phoma stem canker summary report (2021) 21120013 light leaf spot summary report (2021) 21120013 phoma summary report (2020) 21120013 light leaf spot summary report (2020) 2140006 light leaf spot summary report (2019) 2140006 phoma summary report (2019) 2140006 sclerotinia stem rot summary report (2018)About this project
The challenge
Foliar disease management in wheat, barley and oilseed rape is a challenge, especially with the withdrawal of active ingredients and the development of fungicide resistance. New products and active ingredients continue to be introduced by the plant protection industry, but the frequency of these is diminishing.
There is a need for independent information on the efficacy of established and new fungicide active ingredients and products to help growers and agronomists maximise margins and minimise the development of fungicide resistance.
The project
Building on earlier fungicide performance work, this project will continue to provide an independent assessment of the relative performance of new and established fungicides against economically important diseases:
Wheat targeted diseases: septoria tritici, yellow rust, brown rust and fusarium head blight (and associated mycotoxins)
Barley target diseases: net blotch, rhynchosporium and ramularia
Oilseed rape target diseases: phoma stem canker and light leaf spot
Note: Incidental data for other diseases will be collected where they occur
Fungicides are applied at a single timing in each trial at a range of doses. The project aims to conduct trials under high disease pressure and vary the timing of fungicide application between trials to obtain information on the protectant and curative performance (where applicable) of fungicide products. Yield information is collected to allow an economic analysis associated with the use of different fungicide products. The project includes tests of fungicide products prior to registration. Following registration and market availability, information on their relative performance is released.
The benefits
The independent information generated allows crop managers to use fungicides efficiently, according to disease pressures and developing resistance issues.
The results
For the latest results, visit ahdb.org.uk/fungicide-performance
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