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- Higher SFI uptake recorded but no major shifts
Higher SFI uptake recorded but no major shifts
SFI uptake data published in May quelled fears that large amounts of productive land are being entered into the scheme. Defra has since released further information on SFI uptake which reveals higher SFI uptake but no major shifts.
SFI uptake data published in May quelled fears that large amounts of productive land are being entered into the scheme. Defra has since released further information on SFI uptake which reveals higher SFI uptake but no major shifts.
As of 1 July 2024, the total area used for SFI actions was 898Kha, an increase of 64% compared with 1 April 2024. The number of SFI agreements increased by 9,300 or 67% compared with April’s uptake figure.
Figure 1. Comparison of area entered into selected SFI actions* as of 1 April 2024 vs 1 July 2024

Source: Defra
*SFI actions include:
- CAHL1 - Pollen and nectar flower mix
- CAHL2 - Winter bird food on arable and horticultural land
- CAHL3 - Grassy field corners or blocks
- CAHL4 - 4m to 12m grass buffer strip on arable and horticultural land
- CIGL1 - Take grassland field corners or blocks out of management
- CIGL2 - Winter bird food on improved grassland
- CIGL3 - 4m to 12m grass buffer strip on improved grassland
- CIPM2 - Flower-rich grass margins, blocks, or in-field strips
- CNUM2 - Legumes on improved grassland
- CNUM3 - Legume fallow
- CSAM2 - Multi-species winter cover crops
- CSAM3 - Herbal leys
As was the case in April, the most popular actions remain those that can be easily implemented into current farming systems and fit within existing crop rotations, specifically legume fallow (CNUM3), winter cover crops (CSAM2), and herbal leys (CSAM3).
How is uptake distributed among SFI actions?
Although uptake has increased across the board, the share of each action remains consistent with April’s figures. Herbal leys (CSAM3) continue to have the largest area among all SFI actions that require land, rising from 175Kha to 292Kha. However, the overall share of this action remains just under a third, due to the overall increase in uptake of all SFI actions, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Percentage share of SFI actions by area as at 1 July 2024 compared with 1 April 2024

Source: Defra
- Popular arable options continue to dwarf the grassland actions such as CIGL1 and CIGL3 in size (please see Figure 1 for descriptions of action codes).
- Uptake of CIGL1 and CIGL3 actions also increased by 63% and 40% between April and July, respectively.
- The total area allocated to these grassland actions remains low, with just 2,600 hectares for CIGL1 (a 0.3% share), 37,100 hectares for CIGL2 (a 4.1% share) and only 700 hectares for CIGL3 (a 0.1% ).