How to use HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) to manage grain storage hazards
HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) is a risk-based approach that identifies, evaluates and controls hazards. It can be used within grain stores to help meet marketplace demands and expectations for safe food and feed.
Why follow a HACCP approach?
The safety and quality of grain is an important and high-profile subject. It is critical to ensure grain is produced according to good practice and industry standards. This helps protect consumer confidence, ensuring delivery of safe food and feed. As an integral part of the food and feed supply chain, grain storage must follow relevant practices and standards.
International standards help promote the practical implementation of HACCP principles in the food supply chain. These standards underpin UK legislative requirements – such as food and feed hygiene regulations, maximum residue levels (MRLs) for pesticide, and food contaminant risks – as well as private voluntary standards.
Learn about international food standards (Codex Alimentarius)
Which grain businesses need to follow HACCP?
HACCP is a legal requirement for all food and feed businesses after primary production, including central grain storage operations. Although HACCP is not required for on-farm crop production activities, including grain storage, AHDB guidance is based on its principles. It covers the main hazards/risks to consider during grain storage – from intake to dispatch – and how to prevent/reduce them.
Is HACCP difficult to implement?
This management tool can be applied to a wide variety of operations – from simple to complex. It is often a misconception that HACCP is difficult, complicated and bureaucratic, and requires a high degree of expertise. Naturally, knowledge of HACCP is necessary to carry out a HACCP study, but the main requirement is for a thorough understanding of the product and production process, including those factors that have regulatory relevance and those which cause concern to customers.
HACCP systems in grain storage are underpinned by adherence to the general principles of good storage practice and good hygiene practice.
Planning to use HACCP
For HACCP to succeed, thorough preparation is required – before HACCP principles are applied. Follow the seven planning steps, which cover the team, the store, the product, the process and the market.
Planning the management of grain storage hazards (HACCP)
The seven HACCP principles
Follow these seven principles to meet marketplace demands and expectations for safe food and feed.
HACCP terms
Find out about the common terms used to help you follow a HACCP approach in your grain stores.