AHDB statement on Government announcement to end badger cull

Friday, 30 August 2024

AHDB has released a statement following the Government's announcement that it intends to end badger culling and replace it with a new bovine TB eradication strategy.

Sarah Tomlinson, AHDB Lead Veterinary Science Expert, said:

"Bovine TB (bTB) is a chronic and devastating disease. The impacts that control measures can have on farmers, their livelihoods and the wider community are huge, financially and mentally.

"Future bTB policy driven by robust science and evidence is an approach AHDB welcomes.

“With bTB levels on a significant decline, now is the time to refresh the bTB strategy and to 'bank the benefits' of the previous 10 years. The inclusion of farmers and vets, as well as scientists and other stakeholders in the strategy review is a positive move.

"It is encouraging to hear that the current farmer-led wildlife control policies are to continue as there is compelling evidence to show they have contributed significantly to the lowest levels of bTB we have experienced for 20 years in England.

"The source of the disease and its spread varies from farm to farm and there is no single way to control it. The strengthening and wider deployment of existing cattle control strategies where appropriate is something the farming and veterinary industries have advocated for many years.

"Farming and Veterinary groups have previously proposed the need for ongoing, regular surveillance of badger populations and the level of bTB in those animals, to better understand how the disease spreads and inform what control measures are necessary in specific circumstances.

"The farming industry will continue to work with the government to find the most appropriate way to eradicate this disease from our animals."
