On farm trial: benefits of chicory



Results from the project were communicated in the 'November 2009 Lamb Briefing' update.

Beef & Lamb
Project code:
01 March 2009 - 30 October 2009
AHDB Beef & Lamb
Total project value:
Project leader:
Matt Blyth, Lesley Stubbings


About this project

The Problem:

EID technology has the potential to collect good quality data for producers to use to evaluate their current systems. This project aims to demonstrate the value of EID tags, while collecting data on liveweight gains from lambs grazing a variety of forages, including chicory, red clover, white clover and grass, and brassicas. Little information is available on the growth potential (in dry matter terms) of chicory compared to other forages.


Project Aims:

  1. To look at performance of lambs on a variety of forages, including chicory and red clover
  2. To evaluate EID as a method to collect good quality data
  3. To collect information on the growth potential of a chicory sward



1,500 lambs will be tagged and allocated to their finishing systems. Data will be recorded on their breed and sex. Using EID technology these animals will be followed through finishing to slaughter, with carcase information also being collected.  Liveweight gain information will be calculated. Growth rates from the different forages will be recorded, with frequent collection of samples for analysis of quality and minerals.



The information collected will be used at grazing events and in press articles.
