Dairy key performance indicators
Our key performance indicators (KPIs) help you understand how your business is performing compared with other dairy farms and highlight areas for improvement.
KPIs are a set of figures that help you manage your farm by showing, at a glance, which areas are performing well and those that need to be reviewed.
We’ve simplified the available on-farm measures into nine figures critical for good performance. These are a mix of technical and financial areas and are split by all year round and block calving so you choose the ones relevant to your system.
All year round calving KPIs
The key measures for farmers who calve all year round with no seasonal emphasis or period where the entire herd is dry.
Learn more about KPIs for all year round calvers
Block calving KPIs
The KPIs for farmers who’s cows calve within a 12-week window (spring or autumn), get back in calf, peak in milk production and are dried off together.
See the KPIs for block calvers
Financial KPIs
The business measures that all year round and block calvers should know, understand and benchmark their performance against.
Find out about our Financial KPIs
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