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Our programme for change
by Chair, Nicholas Saphir
We are embarking on major change at AHDB to improve value for levy payers.
Welcome to the new AHDB strategy, which outlines our plans for the next five years.
New international trading arrangements, leaving the EU, environmental and sustainability concerns, changes to UK farm and land policy, and significant shifts in consumer behaviour will impact us all. AHDB is committed to change to better support you and your business to meet these challenges.
We’re listening
We recognise there are genuine differences between the challenges facing sectors and even within sectors. Levy payers’ requirements for research, marketing, exports or analysis are not the same. One size does not fit all and levies must be set to reflect the value provided.
Against this background, AHDB’s strategy lays out how we will improve levy payer engagement, reduce bureaucracy, focus our activities and reduce costs. We will build on our recently published ‘Five Commitments’:
- We will communicate regularly on how your levy has been spent and the benefits – engaging with levy payers to determine priorities
- We will work with growers and the supply chain to design a modern levy system
- We will focus on farm performance, marketing and exports, driven by independent evidence
- We will develop a board and advisory structure that reduces both bureaucracy and costs
- We will hold a regular ballot on the future of the levy – so you can express your views on the value of AHDB to your business
Our AHDB change programme is well under way, and we are committed to reporting back on how we are doing on a regular basis.
Vital role for AHDB to support you
AHDB is here to support your business and sector with key services that can only be resourced collectively. We will encourage partnership and cooperation throughout the industry, with governments and businesses across the UK, to ensure that levy payers’ funding is supported and, where appropriate, matched by others.
Our work will include:
- Evidence-based analysis of risks and opportunities
- Research partnerships, providing information on pesticides, herbicides and farm inputs to support on-farm performance
- Tools and benchmarking services to improve productivity for farmers, growers and advisers
- Supporting the reputation of British produce to ensure consumers recognise excellence in terms of value, quality and sustainability
- Develop existing export markets and new markets that will be opened up under new trade agreements
- Shaping environmental solutions

Shaping environmental solutions
Important for farmers, growers and the supply chain will be environmental sustainability of British food production driven by policy and consumer needs. AHDB will focus to support the industry in meeting the challenges of environment and climate change. This will include agreed Net Zero carbon targets.
The future of AHDB will be based on your engagement in helping agree the scope of our work, the relevant levy costs for each sector and determining collaborative investment for a profitable future.

Listen to Nicholas discussing the change programme and our new strategy on the AHDB Podcast