Reducing herd milk production

If your milk processor has asked you to reduce production there are various options to reduce your milk volume.

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Consider drying cows off early where possible but beware of unintended consequences of changes in body condition on subsequent calving.

You can reduce milking frequency, or even incomplete milking i.e. leaving 30% of milk in the udder.

Discuss with your nutritionist and vet the possibility of changing feeding strategies without compromising cow health.

Think about feeding whole milk, instead of powdered milk, to calves, but ensure milk from Johne’s cows is not fed to calves. Finally, consider postponing weaning when feeding whole milk.

There are many areas to consider when looking at options to lower milk production without compromising your long term goals.

Top tips for reducing milk production

Reviewing and monitoring costs on your dairy farm will help gain better control over your net margins.

Options for trimming farm costs

Drying off is a key time for mastitis control and decisions made at this point can influence your herd's mastitis performance for the next 6 to 12 months.

Key considerations for drying off cows early

There are a number of ways to boost your current income, such as keeping milk quality up to maximise your milk cheque, selling excess silage or selling surplus calves. 

Options for boosting dairy farm income

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