Grocery retail

2 January 2024

Average sunshine hours hit a four-year low in July, which had significant impacts on consumer eating habits, particularly BBQs.

2 January 2024

Pork sausages and beef burgers, a staple across British plates. But how are they performing?

2 January 2024

Over the last few years, outdoor bred (ODB) pork and pigmeat has outperformed the total pork market. However, this year the trend appears to have reversed.

24 April 2024

Organic red meat and dairy sales have suffered as the cost of living crisis restricts consumer spending on higher value products.

2 January 2024

Value tier products are the cheapest in the market, and red meat and dairy volumes from this category have grown as consumers trade down tiers

16 February 2024

New Kite report urges urgent action to support the cheesemaking sector

2 January 2024

Favourable prices have limited the drop in primary pork volumes but young shoppers unable to counteract primary pork's decline.

16 February 2024

How is the organic market bearing up in the face of rising prices and falling demand?

26 April 2024

Previously in the UK we spend approximately 8% of our expenditure on food - how has the cost of living crisis changed this?

2 January 2024

Demand for primary lamb remains strong at Christmas and Easter but retail volumes continue to decline over the course of a year.

29 June 2023

While increased cost-of-living concerns have resulted in growth of the value tier, there are still signs that when consumers can treat in-home, they do

26 June 2023

Some meat categories are seeing some positive trade up within retail
