Food health

29 April 2024

Rachel Rose takes a look at just what Brits think about imported food products against the backdrop of trade negotiations with Australia and the US

14 February 2025

Tom Forshaw looks at the contentious issue of food standards in future trade deals and why media attention might be focusing on the wrong things.

9 February 2021

A new video which shows how abattoirs in the UK are taking steps to minimise the spread of Covid-19, has gone live this week.

29 April 2024

Following an extraordinary few months for the industry, join the AHDB Retail & Consumer Insight team as they review how the market and consumers have changed with coronavirus, and what opportunities and threats this now presents for industry sectors. Key takeaways •Key consumer behaviour changes in the retail landscape •An exclusive 'first-look' at the eating-out market environment •The demand outlook for the red meat sector •How economic factors will impact the market Playlist: Webinars Tags: Retail insight, red meat market outlook, coronavirus retail impacts, consumer and retail insight, red meat, beef, cattle, lamb, pork Boiler Plate Follow us on Twitter: @The AHDB Like us on Facebook: @TheAHDB ABOUT AHDB AHDB is a statutory levy board, funded by farmers, growers and others in the supply chain. Our purpose is to inspire our farmers, growers and industry to succeed in a rapidly changing world. We equip the industry with easy to use, practical know-how which they can apply straight away to make better decisions and improve their performance. Established in 2008 and classified as a Non-Departmental Public Body, it supports the following industries: meat and livestock (cattle, sheep and pigs) in England; horticulture, milk and potatoes in Great Britain; and cereals and oilseeds in the UK. AHDB’s remit covers 72 per cent of total UK agricultural output. Further information on AHDB can be found at

8 September 2020

Join representatives from DEFRA, the Department for Trade and Industry and Promar and explore the opportunities for dairy in exporting to the United Arab Emirates

16 August 2022

The main purpose of meat inspection is to assure consumers about the safety, hygiene and nutritional value of their food.

29 April 2024

New students signing up to our award winning Meat Education Programme has increased by 50% since government restrictions began.

29 April 2024

Find out about the food safety subgroup of the Pig Health and Welfare Council.

3 June 2024

Find out about meat safety and eating quality, from preventing zoonosis, to avoiding boar taint.

2 October 2019

The course, aimed at practical people wishing to gain more knowledge on quality issues, highlights the distinction between carcase and meat quality and will explore the factors affecting eating quality from farm to fork. Various quality issues will be identified and the means to reduce or improve these outlined.

12 September 2019

Selecting lambs for slaughter to meet market specification

14 February 2019

An AHDB Beef & Lamb Webinar
