Contents tagged with China

3 July 2024

There has been significant liquidation of sows due to disease outbreaks and financial pressure.

7 March 2024

The pig population is forecasted to contract in 2024, following a decline in the sow herd which will likely impact production.

29 February 2024

China is an important buyer on the world dairy markets, with a strong influence on global demand that plays into price dynamics

6 December 2023

The USDA’s latest forecasting predicts China’s beef production will grow by 2.7% in 2024 to total 7.7 million tonnes, a historically high level.

4 October 2023

Lower pig prices so far in 2023 have led to a challenging environment for Chinese pig producers.

19 February 2024

A recent Rabobank report examined how developments in the Chinese dairy sector could affect the global dairy trade

19 February 2024

China’s dairy imports H1: Weak demand could drive global prices down further

21 June 2023

As China is a key global consumer of red meat it will be key to watch how demand and production develop in the coming months.

10 May 2023

Jonathan Eckley, Head of Asia Pacific, returns to our most significant export market for British pig meat, China.

17 April 2023

Find out more about the exciting events AHDB has been attending.

4 April 2023

Watch to find out about the pork sector in China. From learning about their production methods, to genetics, marketing, public perceptions, health issues, government support and more.

12 December 2022

In the year to date (Jan-Sep), China imported 1.94 million tonnes of fresh and frozen beef.
