Contents tagged with pneumonia

7 March 2025

Join us at Bentley Ford Farm in Shropshire for an interactive lung scanning workshop with Shropshire Farm Vets.

15 November 2021

Research on preventing respiratory disease in calves

5 December 2023

There are two distinct respiratory syndromes – acute (calf or enzootic) pneumonia or chronic pneumonia.

26 May 2021

Only healthy calves grow well and get in-calf on time. Find out which are the most common diseases affecting the rearing period and what to do about them.

2 December 2021

By making small alterations to calf housing, farmer Marc Evans has seen reduced pneumonia cases and improved health across his youngstock.

9 October 2020

This webinar specifically for vets looks at the practical ways vets can help farmers understand the impact of respiratory disease in their dairy replacement heifers.

9 October 2020

A look at the hidden costs of calf pneumonia and practical changes you can make to help improve the performance of your replacement heifers.

13 November 2020

Join Dr Michael Overton from Zoetis as he looks at the hidden costs of calf pneumonia. Learn about practical changes you can make immediately to help improve the performance of your replacement heifers and reduce the impact of pneumonia.

4 March 2020

Respiratory disease of cattle (more commonly known as pneumonia), is one of the most significant diseases affecting English beef production. This checklist provides guidance on identifying problem areas.

6 January 2020

Improving existing buildings or designing new builds to the best standards has a lasting and positive impact on animal health and productivity. This manual covers a wide range of aspects to improve buildings for your cattle.

16 November 2018

A report on the number cattle vaccines sold in the UK between 2011 and 2017 - split by disease: BVD, IBR, Leptospirosis, calf enteritis and Pneumonia

2 November 2018

Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) or pneumonia is the most common reason for death and poor performance in young cattle and costs the UK cattle industry an estimated £50 million a year. This booklet gives an overview of how to recognise, test and treat BRD
