Contents tagged with emissions

21 May 2024

We are investing £2.5 million, with the long-term vision to create the opportunity for a nationwide standardised data set across the beef and lamb, cereals and oilseeds, dairy and pork sectors.

27 January 2023

Series of webinars sharing the most recent research findings investigating methods to reduce emissions from livestock agriculture and how to apply this directly to farm

27 January 2023

Series of webinars sharing the most recent research findings investigating methods to reduce emissions from livestock agriculture and how to apply this directly to farm

27 January 2023

Series of webinars sharing the most recent research findings investigating methods to reduce emissions from livestock agriculture and how to apply this directly to farm

15 November 2021

Find out what green fuels are and how you can generate them on your farm.

12 August 2021

Find out how pig slurry could be used to power vehicles

27 September 2021

Case study describing the return on investment and further benefits of air scrubber technology.

11 October 2021

Find out how air scrubbers can reduce ammonia emissions, improve the climate of the pig building and recover energy to reduce carbon emissions and save money.

5 August 2021

Methane emissions for the inventory (AC0115)

19 July 2021

AHDB’s accelerated ammonia monitoring trial shows that the British pig industry is successfully reducing ammonia emissions, saving producers an estimated £15.3m.

21 April 2021

Find information on upcoming legislation for covering slurry stores. Compare different cover types and the practical benefits they can provide.
