Contents tagged with medicines

29 May 2024

Medicines are used to treat disease in people and in animals. It is important to use medicines appropriately when animals are sick to protect their welfare and restore them to health. The aim is to use as little as possible, but it is also important to use as much as is necessary to prevent unnecessary suffering and maintain animal welfare

24 November 2021

Reducing the use of Veterinary Medicines

4 January 2022

What really causes footrot in sheep - a national cohort study of the microbial diversity of Dichelobacter nodosus in sheep in sickness and in health

29 June 2021

The golden rule for using antibiotics and anthelmintics in all livestock is: as little as possible, but as much as necessary.

29 June 2021

Find out more about how antibiotic resistance occurs, spreads, and continues to be a major global threat.

29 June 2021

Antibiotics can be very effective for certain treatments but are not always the answer. Find out when it is appropriate to administer antibiotics.

29 June 2021

Read our advice on how to use antibiotics responsibly on farm. You’ll find information on understanding resistance, and strategies to prevent health issues.

29 June 2021

Certain medicines are prescription only and require input from a vet or a registered animal medicine advisor. Find out more about how these professional experts work with medicine use.

25 October 2022

Vaccines are a key aspect of responsible medicine use. Our advice will help you understand vaccines and their use on farm.

29 June 2021

Find out more about health planning and how it helps achieve responsible medicine use on farm.

6 February 2023

Find out the legal requirements for recording medicine use on farm.

29 June 2021

Storage, shelf life and disposal of medicines are all important aspects of responsible medicine use. Find out more about medicine labels and why they are important.
