Contents tagged with piglets
30 August 2024
The latest Defra release shows that the pig population in England stood at 3.68 million head as of 01 June 2024.
15 March 2023
Join the Oxford pig club to learn about pre-weaning piglet gut health
6 March 2025
Colostrum Is Gold is an award-winning industry campaign. It highlights the key role colostrum plays in farm animal performance through improved health while reducing antibiotic use.
17 September 2020
Guidance on monitoring farrowing and piglet behaviour
11 March 2025
Find out how to clip/grind piglets' teeth and when it is appropriate to do so
16 June 2020
Guidance on preparing and managing outdoor farrowing paddocks
4 September 2019
Cornwall pig club: Come along to this meeting and hear from Andrew Palmer, who'll be talking about the work he's doing with producers to improve weaning weights.
3 September 2020
Find out how a piglet sorter, built from stockboard, has improved handling and sorting piglets
13 August 2018
It is important to keep the cost of producing piglets to a minimum to enable you to maximise profitability at sale. Knowing how your breeding herd performs helps you to identify where and how to concentrate your time, effort and investment to improve performance and reduce the cost of production.
13 August 2018
Improving the number of pigs born alive and piglet survival rate through to weaning has a significant impact on profitability – an increase of 1.7 pigs weaned per litter (the difference between average and top 10% performance) improves net margin by £120 per sow per annum.