England pig population: female breeding herd falls to smallest on record
Friday, 30 August 2024
The latest Defra release shows that the pig population in England stood at 3.68 million head as of 01 June 2024. Although the total population is up 1.3% (48,000 head) compared to 2023, numbers remain significantly below previous years, having lost almost 600,000 head from the peak population in 2021.
The growth in the overall pig population has been driven by an increase in fattening pigs category, up 1.5% (51,000 head) year on year to 3.35 million head. Within the category, growth was not universal as the number of piglets and fattening pigs over 29kg recorded declines. This is likely not a shock to most when taking into account the unfavourable weather conditions witnessed since October last year. However, it is the weaners (29kg or less) that have driven the growth, seeing an increase of 92,000 head. This may drive slaughter throughputs in the coming months as these pigs mature.
On the contrary, the number of breeding pigs has declined further. The female breeding herd is down 2.2% to 251,000 head, the smallest number on record. Sows in pig were relatively stable year on year, but larger losses were seen in gilts in pig (-5.3%) and other sows* (8.1%). On a more positive note, the number of gilts intended for first time breeding grew by 3,000 head which will contribute to the 2025 pig crop.
*other sows consists of pigs being suckled and dry sows kept for further breeding
Despite the population figures being a stark reminder of the contraction in industry over time and the difficulties faced, it is worth noting that there have been significant productivity gains made according to industry data sets. Examples would include mortality figures decreasing, resulting in more piglets per sow and finished pig carcase weights increasing, meaning we can produce larger volumes of pig meat with lower slaughter numbers.
We will be updating the AHDB pork outlook at the end of September to reflect the latest industry developments, with the crucial UK pig population data due to be published by Defra in December.

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