Contents tagged with tail biting

30 September 2022

Use AHDB’s web-based husbandry advisory tool (WebHAT) to identify risks associated with tail biting.

23 December 2020

Information about tail docking and reducing tail biting in pigs

1 March 2022

Important information about pig welfare, including Real Welfare, tail biting and environmental enrichment

30 January 2020

The Fens pig club: Come along to find out what Defra's updated welfare code means for you

16 January 2020

South Yorkshire pig club: Unfortunately, this meeting has been cancelled.

11 February 2020

Gloucester pig club: Come along to find out about Defra's updated welfare code

12 February 2020

Shropshire pig club: Come along to find out what Defra’s updated Code of Recommendations for the Welfare of Livestock means in practice for pig keepers

12 February 2020

Midlands pig club: Come along to find out what Defra's updated welfare code means for you

18 January 2019

Identify the early warning signs of tail biting using our poster and take early action to help prevent tail biting problems

17 January 2019

Identify the early warning signs and take early action which can help prevent tail biting. This poster is helpful for training unit staff and particularly useful for new starters.
