What does Defra's welfare code mean for you?: Shropshire
This is an opportunity to find out what Defra's updated welfare code means for you, as well as what the latest situation is with swine dysentery.
We'll also be looking at how you can use our tail biting WebHAT on your farm. The tool provides information about the key risks in pigs and practical suggestions to help reduce them on-farm.
In addition, Stasha Napior-Kowska, will be presenting on the retailer perspective and our latest consumer marketing campaign.
Our pig clubs meet regularly in the evenings during autumn/winter, providing commercial pig farmers with the opportunity to meet each other, hear from guest speakers and discuss topical issues. The meetings are relaxed and informal and, importantly, include an evening meal.
Book your place
For catering purposes and to make sure we don't have to cancel this meeting, please register your interest as soon as possible.
Food will be served at 8:45pm.
E: emily.boyce@ahdb.org.uk
T: 07776 594790
If you have any questions about this event, please contact us using the details below.
T 07776 594790