Contents tagged with welfare

29 May 2024

Medicines are used to treat disease in people and in animals. It is important to use medicines appropriately when animals are sick to protect their welfare and restore them to health. The aim is to use as little as possible, but it is also important to use as much as is necessary to prevent unnecessary suffering and maintain animal welfare

8 August 2022

Red Tractor members need to have completed online welfare training by 31 August 2022. Until this date, or until 8,000 people register, the cost of the training (£10) is being waived.

6 October 2023

Taking the time to understand your needs in the planning process of your youngstock housing will help make sure that the design chosen is right for your system. To help work through the design process, consider the eight questions below.

30 May 2022

The host is Jen Waters, and the guest speakers are Georgina McDowell, Red Tractor, and Nicola Gumery, Bureau Service Manager, AHDB, who discussed and answered questions on the new training and registration process.

23 May 2022

Find out about the moving and handling training and what it means for you, as well as how you can keep track of your training via PigPro – your online training record.

14 December 2023

Find out how to have your say on the future of the dairy industry.

23 March 2022

Good animal health and welfare are vital for each and every animal on our farms and, as a vet, improving animal health and welfare is my passion.

6 October 2021

Midlands pig club: find out what the new Red Tractor welfare training requirement means for you

2 November 2021

Salisbury pig club: find out what the new Red Tractor welfare training requirement means for you

6 October 2021

Exeter pig club: find out what the new Red Tractor welfare training requirement means for you

6 October 2021

Cornwall pig club: find out what the new Red Tractor welfare training requirement means for you

6 October 2021

Oxford pig club: find out what the new Red Tractor welfare training requirement means for you
