Contents tagged with welfare

6 October 2021

Gloucester pig club: find out what the new Red Tractor welfare training requirement means for you

6 October 2021

Somerset pig club: find out what the new Red Tractor welfare training requirement means for you

21 May 2024

Access the UK Pig Industry Welfare Training platform

26 August 2021

When it comes to calving, cleanliness is paramount.

14 March 2022

A new welfare training platform has been developed in collaboration with Red Tractor, the National Pig Association, the Pig Veterinary Society, the Pig Health and Welfare Council and pig producers.

11 July 2024

Learn how to make calving as successful as possible.

4 January 2022

What really causes footrot in sheep - a national cohort study of the microbial diversity of Dichelobacter nodosus in sheep in sickness and in health

14 January 2022

Brown Stomach worm is the most common species of nematode parasite that infects sheep in the UK

15 July 2024

The PTAs concerned with health, welfare and fertility include important aspects such as SCC and mastitis.

17 June 2021

Find out more about Improving foot health on British dairy farms

17 June 2021

Found out about our project on health, productivity, profit and the housed environment

3 January 2024

Key performance indicators (KPIs) provide a clear and direct measure to determine whether you're meeting your business goals
