Nutrient release from cover crops (desk study)


Cereals & Oilseeds
Project code:
03 February 2025 - 31 May 2025
Anglian Water, Southern Water and Wessex Water
AHDB sector cost:
£9,851 (including VAT)
Total project value:
£39,404 (including VAT)
Project leader:
ADAS (supported by Compass Agronomy Limited)

About this project

Many more farmers now include cover crops in their crop rotations. This has been partly incentivised by payment opportunities, most notably from the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) scheme.

In addition, the movement towards the adoption of regenerative agriculture, which has ‘keeping soil covered’ as a core principle, has encouraged cover crop adoption.

Cover crops have the potential to provide a wide range of benefits. The evidence for some of these benefits is clear, such as reducing soil erosion and nitrate leaching risks.

One of the biggest knowledge gaps is associated with legacy effects, especially the amount and timing of nutrient release from cover crop residues.

This gap is complicated by:

  • The wide range of cover crop species mixes available
  • The diversity of agroclimatic conditions across the country (e.g. soil types, cropping and weather)
  • The different management practices adopted (e.g. sowing and destruction dates and methods)

At present, the AHDB Nutrient Management Guide (RB209) provides little information about the impact of cover crops on soil nitrogen supply (SNS) and no guidance on the release of other nutrients to cash crops.

Recent feedback from UK farmers highlighted how the lack of information hinders the creation of accurate nutrient management plans (NMPs) to help them target fertiliser applications to meet crop requirements. In fact, very few plans allow for nutrient supply from cover crops.

AHDB, with Anglian Water, Southern Water and Wessex Water (co-funding industry partners), want to help farmers integrate cover crops into their cropping systems.

This desk study will explore the potential to develop a decision support tool (DST) for the UK that accounts for nutrient release from cover crops and similar organic materials (such as companion crops).

With a focus on nitrogen, this project will build on tools available in other countries, such as:

The work will also consider:

  • The demand for a UK tool
  • The potential accuracy of tools
  • How tool recommendations could impact nutrient management

A key element of work includes gathering feedback from potential tool users, including via:

  • An online questionnaire in March 2025*
  • An online stakeholder workshop in April 2025

We will publish further details about these opportunities on this page.

*Take part in the online questionnaire

Help us identify the resources you need to improve nutrient management planning across rotations.

Access the questionnaire

The questionnaire takes around 10 minutes to complete and is open until 31 March 2025.

Providing answers to your questions

This research project was funded via a levy-payer-led commissioning process.
