Grazing Strategies for Better Returns: Northumberland

Past Event - booking closed

4 July 2019

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Thistleyhaugh Farm, Longhorsley, Morpeth, Northumberland

NE65 8RG

By kind permission of the Nelless Family

Join AHDB Beef & Lamb and Independent consultant Rhidian Jones for this timely workshop to understand how we can improve animal performance and farm profitability through maximising grass utilisation. During the workshop we will discuss the opportunities to maximise grass growth and quality.


2:00pm          Arrival and registration

2:15pm           Welcome and introduction Neil Pickard (AHDB)

2:30pm           How can we maximise grass utilisation?  Rhidian Jones (Independent consultant)                

                       Farm walk – Duncan & Angus Nelless (hosts) & Rhidian Jones (Independent consultant)

An opportunity to look at grazing strategies at Thistleyhaugh Farm and understand available grass covers and sward quality. Discussion around rejuvenating existing pasture and planning for autumn and winter grazing

5:00pm           Close

To book your FREE place – phone the AHDB Beef & Lamb events  team on 01904 771212 or email

*Booking is essential. Please bring clean wellington boots and outdoor clothing.


