Fungicide programmes for wheat and barley
This web page covers fungicide programmes for winter wheat, winter barley and spring barley. Focused on the main spray timings, it also links to fungicide resistance management information and provides basic information for other cereal crops.
Fungicide programmes are an essential component of many disease management strategies. Generally, the T1 and T2 fungicide timings give a yield response in winter wheat and winter barley. The T0 and T3 timings give a much smaller or no yield response, although a T3 can be important for protecting grain quality.
Fungicide programmes for specific cereal crops
Fungicide programmes for wheat
Fungicide programmes for barley
Fungicide programmes for other cereals (oats, triticale and rye)
Further information
Adopt integrated pest management approaches
Use varieties with high disease resistance ratings
Get the latest fungicide performance information
Introduction to foliar disease management in cereals
Follow fungicide resistance management guidance
Biostimulants and biopesticides (bioprotectants)
A plant biostimulant contains substances and/or microorganisms that stimulate natural plant processes. The use of biostimulants may increase plant growth and yield. Some biostimulants are associated with increased crop nutrient uptake and tolerance to environmental and pathogen stresses. There is, however, limited evidence on how to use biostimulants to achieve consistent benefits in the UK.
An introduction to biostimulants
A biopesticide (bioprotectant) is a crop protection agent based on microorganisms or natural products that can be used to reduce or eliminate pests, diseases or weeds. In cereals, very few biofungicides are available, but there are several in development.
Find out about efforts to improve the performance of bioprotectants
Protecting chemistry for wheat and barley (video)
Cereal chemistry changes demand a new approach to disease management. Fiona Burnett (FRAG and SRUC) describes how to weave fungicide options into programmes to protect efficacy and maintain sufficient disease control.
Video quick links
Fungicide resistance in the UK
Fungicide efficacy for wheat and barley video