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International pork cost of production methodology
Our series examining pork cost of production in selected countries has been developed based on data collected by InterPIG.
InterPIG is a joint project involving organisations in 17 countries around the world.
These organisations and countries are:
- Great Britain – Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB)
- Austria – VLV Upper Austria and Chamber of Agriculture Lower Austria
- Belgium – Flemish Government and Boerenbond Belgie
- Brazil – Embrapa Swine and Poultry Brazil, who submit data for two regions: Mato Grosso (MT) and Santa Catarina (SC)
- Canada – Canadian Pork Council
- Czech Republic – Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information (UZEI)
- Denmark – SEGES
- Finland – Atria
- France – Institute of Pork (IFIP)
- Germany – Thuenen Institute of Farm Economics and Interessengemeinschaft der Schweinehalter (ISN)
- Hungary – AKI Research Institute of Agricultural Economics
- Ireland – Teagasc
- Italy – Research Centre for Animal Production (CRPA)
- Netherlands – Wageningen Economic Research
- Spain – SIP Consultors
- Sweden – Farm and Animal Health
- USA – Iowa State University
The cost and performance data relate to average performance data from national recording systems that operate in the participating countries. InterPIG uses definitions which have been standardised across countries. For example, the definition of a sow is from first insemination to slaughter, and the results are based on average present sows (average daily number of sows in the year).
To ensure consistency among countries, the methodology is based on compound feed for sows, rearing and finishing. However, this is in the knowledge that there are farmers in the different countries who grow their own crops and home-mix their pig feed. The proportion of farmers in each country who home-mix varies, depending on infrastructure, tradition, ingredient availability and prices.
Where there are national differences in definitions, the data is adjusted in the most appropriate way. The results are believed to provide an indication of the relative average costs of production within each country and to deliver an accurate comparison. In an attempt to continue to improve the accuracy of the data provided, the glossary of terms and formulae used in calculations is monitored and updated.
In the Great Britain calculations, there is a difference between the methodology used for producing the national quarterly cost of production estimations and the methodology used by InterPIG. In Great Britain, abattoir costs (transport to slaughter, meat hygiene, carcase classification and statutory levy) are included in the published quarterly cost of production figures. In InterPIG, these costs are excluded from the cost of production and are deducted from the price received at sale.
Where EU averages are used, these are averages of the EU participating countries.
Canadian data is not used in the 2024 analysis due to conflicting deadlines.
For more information on how we estimate the cost of pig production, read our cost of pig production estimation model.
Learn more about our cost of pig production estimation model