GB dairy cow population: marginal growth in the milking herd driven by younger cows
Wednesday, 6 March 2024
The latest BCMS data shows that the GB milking herd stood at 1.63 million head, as of 1 January 2024. This is the second consecutive quarter to show year on year growth in the milking herd, albeit marginal (0.1%). This has been driven by an increasing number of youngstock maturing into the herd.
The average age of the dairy herd now stands at 4.53 years, down from 4.60 years at the same point in the previous year. This continues the trend of gradual decrease which can be attributed to selecting for productivity in breeding decisions, to continuously improve the national herd. Increased culling of older cows, in response to recent economic challenges for dairy farmers, has further contributed the decline in average age of a dairy cow.
GB female dairy population
Source: BCMS
Looking in more detail at the age breakdown of the milking herd we see growth of 29,000 head (3.8%) in the 2–4-year-old category. This was the greatest year on year change and outweighed declines in all other age categories, driving the slight overall increase in the milking herd.
The 4-6-year-old category declined by 8,000 head (1.6%), whilst 6-8 year olds declined by 14,000 head (5.7%). Cows older than eight years were down 5,000 head (3.7%) compared to the previous year.
When it comes to youngstock (cows under two years of age), we have seen continued decline, with numbers standing at 917,000 head as of 1 January 2024. This is a fall of 27,000 head (2.8%) compared to the same point last year. The decline in the youngstock herd since January 2023, follows a boom period over the last couple of years, likely related to increased uptake of sexed semen. This uptake has now settled as farmers are more confident in the technology and are adapting their breeding strategy to reflect the current market conditions.
Annual change in GB dairy herd by age as at 1 January 2024
Source: BCMS

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