GB milk deliveries: January sees further growth

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

GB milk deliveries in January totalled 1,047 million litres, up 2.2% compared to the same period in 2024. Deliveries averaged at 33.8 million litres per day.

For this year’s milk season far (April-January), production totalled 10,376 million litres, a 0.8% increase compared to the previous season. Good dairy economics have supported production growth during the winter months.

Deliveries have showed year-on-year growth since September, as farmer confidence seems to have been rebuilding over the autumn and winter months. January deliveries remain well above the 5 year average for the month, despite the cold start.

Milk price announcements held steady to lower in February, falling back slightly for aligned contracts but still positive. The milk to feed price ratio remains extremely favourable which should support a continuation of increased milk production.

Looking ahead, the weather will be key as we approach the Spring flush. After two very wet years it is hoped that this coming Spring will be more supportive for forage quality and quantity. Disease risk is a key watchout, as the weather warms and midge season returns the risk from BTV having over-wintered could put a brake on milk production.

  GB milk deliveries January

Image of staff member Annabel Twinberrow

Annabel Twinberrow

Analyst (Livestock)

See full bio

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